hassle-rs 0.9.0

HLSL compiler library, this crate provides an FFI layer and idiomatic rust wrappers for the new DXC hlsl compiler and validator.
# Hassle This crate provides an FFI layer and idiomatic rust wrappers for the new [DirectXShaderCompiler](https://github.com/Microsoft/DirectXShaderCompiler) library. ## Simple example ```rust use hassle_rs::compile_hlsl; let code = " Texture2D g_input : register(t0, space0); RWTexture2D g_output : register(u0, space0); [numthreads(8, 8, 1)] void copyCs(uint3 dispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID) { g_output[dispatchThreadId.xy] = g_input[dispatchThreadId.xy]; }"; let ir = compile_hlsl( "shader_filename.hlsl", code, "copyCs", "cs_6_1", &vec!["-spirv"], &vec![ ("MY_DEFINE", Some("Value")), ("OTHER_DEFINE", None) ], ); ```