hdfs-sys 0.0.5

Bindings to HDFS Native C API

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Bindings to HDFS Native C API.

Work with these bindings directly is boring and error proven, please use hdrs instead if ever possible.

Supported Versions

To target a version of libhdfs, enable a Cargo features such as one of the following:

  • hdfs_2_10_1 (default): requires hdfs 2.10.1 or later releases.
  • hdfs_3_2_3: requires hdfs 3.2.3 or later releases.
  • hdfs_3_3_2: requires hdfs 3.3.2 or later releases.

If you do not enable one of these features, the API provided by hdfs_2_10_1 will be available by default.


This crate will link to libhdfs and libjvm dynamically.

To make this crate works correctly, please make sure the following env set correctly:

  • JAVA_HOME: hdfs-sys will search ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/server to link libjvm.
  • HADOOP_HOME: hdfs-sys will search {HADOOP_HOME}/lib/native to link libhdfs.

NOTE: hdfs-sys will ignore linking if DOCS_RS is set to build docs.


libhdfs uses JNI to call functions provided by jars that provided by hadoop releases. Please make sure CLASSPATH is set correctly:

export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java
export HADOOP_HOME=/path/to/hadoop
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${HADOOP_HOME}/lib/native:${JAVA_HOME}/lib/server
export CLASSPATH=${HADOOP_HOME}/share/hadoop/common/*:${HADOOP_HOME}/share/hadoop/common/lib/*:${HADOOP_HOME}/share/hadoop/hdfs/*:${HADOOP_HOME}/share/hadoop/hdfs/lib/*:${HADOOP_HOME}/etc/hadoop/*


Check out the CONTRIBUTING.md guide for more details on getting started with contributing to this project.

Getting help

Submit issues for bug report or asking questions in discussion.


This project is highly inspired by clang-sys
