## Emoji Cheatsheet
- :pencil2: doc updates
- :bug: when fixing a bug
- :rocket: when making general improvements
- :white_check_mark: when adding tests
- :arrow_up: when upgrading dependencies
- :tada: when adding new features
# Version History
## v0.30.1
- :arrow_up: Update to latest deps
## v0.30.0
- :bug: Ensure `affected` array is the actual feature id on create and not the user specified id
- :rocket: Throw an error if a `version` is provided on create
## v0.29.0
- :rocket: Allow querying features by `key` value in addition to their assigned id.
## v0.28.0
- :tada: Add `start`, `end` and `limit` options to delta list API
## v0.27.2
- :arrow_up: Remove unused `geo` dependency
## v0.27.1
- :bug: A `key: null` JSON property on an uploaded feature should not return a `Duplicate Key Value` error when attempting an upload. Duplicate `null` is allowed
## v0.27.0
- :tada: Add optional `key` value to allow the user to specify a duplication avoidance policy
## v0.26.0
- :tada: Add new `action: restore` on Features to be able to restore previously deleted features to the given id
## v0.25.0
- :white_check_mark: Add a bunch of tests around the `deltas` endpoints
- :bug: change behavior of `?offset=` param to return the anticipated results
## v0.24.1
- :bug: Fix session token bug preventing style creation
- :bug: (UI) Fix stringification of function of new style creation
## v0.24.0
- :tada: Add `GET /api/auth` endpoint for retrieving overview of auth settings
## v0.23.0
- :rocket: Consistent Streaming Line-Delimited GeoJSON Output
## v0.22.0
- :tada: Add data clone API
## v0.21.1
- :rocket: Refector `BoundsStream` into a new generic `PGStream`
## v0.21.0
- :tada: Add custom authentication config
## v0.20.3
- :rocket: Migrate all BoundsStream implementation details into the `bounds` mod for cleaner `lib.rs` file
## v0.20.2
- :rocket: Add ability to toggle style access `public/private` via web UI
## v0.20.1
- :bug: Fix negative feature ids entering deltas from xml_shim
## v0.20.0
- :tada: Add feature history endpoint
## v0.19.0
- :tada: Add API Meta endpoint
## v0.18.0
- :arrow_up: `rust@nightly-2018-05-05`
- :arrow_up: Update all deps to latest versions
## v0.17.0
- :tada: Add `GET /api/tiles/<z>/<x>/<y>/meta` endpoint & assoc. tests
## v0.16.0
- :tada: Add Styles UI
- :rocket: Return Style ID on create
- :rocket: Return `uid` on session token
## v0.15.0
- :tada: Add endpoint for manually regenerating Mapbox Vector Tiles
## v0.14.0
- :tada: Add mapbox-gl-js style related endpoints
## v0.13.0
- :rocket: Rewrite `bounds` endpoint to use in-memory streams
## v0.12.2
- :bug: Fix Web UI timezone bug
## v0.12.1
- :bug: Unescape XML chars when uploading via OSMXML shim
## v0.12.0
- :rocket: Add support for JSON in OSM XML
- :tada: Add schema endpoint
## v0.11.0
- :rocket: Add time based TileCache for faster map rendering
## v0.10.1
- :rocket: Better visualization of Arrays & Object properties in web UI
## v0.10.0
- :rocket: `hecate::start` is now exposed via lib. Note thta it is blocking, per the rocket docs
- :white_check_mark: Each test now creates and manages its own server instance
## v0.9.0
- :rocket: Add JSON Schema Validation
## v0.8.0
- :rocket: Add login fxn to web UI
- :rocket: Add register fxn to web UI
- :tada: Add user info endpoint
- :tada: Add user session endpoint
- :rocket: Refactor Auth object to support Basic or Cookie auth
## v0.7.3
- :rocket: Allow downloading bounds files via web UI
## v0.7.2
- :rocket: Improvements to the web UI
## v0.7.1
- :rocket: View list of bounds via the web UI
## v0.7.0
- :white_check_mark: Rewrite all JS tests in pure rust w/ reqwest
- :rocket: Limit number of features in MVT at low zooms
## v0.6.1
- :bug: Use the `location.host` prop for all API calls in admin interface instead of hardcoded port
## v0.6.0
- :tada: Delta APIs
- :tada: Usable Web API
## v0.5.0
- :rocket: Add support for `multipoint`, `polygon`, `multilinestrint`, `multipolygon` via XML download shim
## v0.4.0
- :tada: Service Vector Tiles directly from data for web interface
- :pencil2: Doc new tile endpoint and admin interface
## v0.3.1
- :pencil2: Huge doc update on endpoints & setting up
- :rocket: Update a ton of install & Docker instructions
## v0.3.0
- :tada: Add bounds API
## v0.2.0
- :tada: Authentication on all endpoints!
## v0.1.3
- :rocket: Add CLI Options
## v0.1.2
- :bug: Track package.json & Cargo.toml
## v0.1.1
- :tada: `409 CONFLICT` errors are now thrown when a changeset is closed that the caller tries to access/append to
## v0.1.0
- :rocket: The first general release
- Basic OSMXML support for points & sketchy line/simply poly suport
- Full delta/geojson support
- opening/committing/finalizing deltas
- Pretty thorough suite of JS tests for JS integration
- Basic Rust tests for node/way/rel objects