i_overlay 1.7.4

Boolean Operations for 2D Polygons: Supports intersection, union, difference, xor, and self-intersections for all polygon varieties.
## [1.7.4] - 2024-11-06
### Fixed
- Fixed bug bind holes same hole point and contour x_segment.a.
## [1.7.3] - 2024-11-05
### Fixed
- Fixed bug min_area filter not work. (thx Azorlogh)

## [1.7.2] - 2024-10-24
### Fixed
- Fixed bug joining holes to shapes when holes were unsorted.

## [1.7.1] - 2024-10-14
### Changed
- Updated `clip_string_lines` methods to output `Vec<IntPath>` instead of `Vec<IntLine>`.

## [1.7.0] - 2024-10-07
### Added
- New `FillRule` options: `Positive` and `Negative`.
- Experimental Line String API:
  - `StringOverlay`, `StringGraph`, `F32StringOverlay`, `F32OverlayGraph`, `F64StringOverlay`,`F64OverlayGraph`
  - `slice` API for slicing polygons and line strings.
  - `clip` API for clipping line strings against shapes.