# imgui-rs: Rust bindings for Dear ImGui

ui.window("Hello world")
.size([300.0, 100.0], Condition::FirstUseEver)
.build(|| {
ui.text("Hello world!");
let mouse_pos = ui.io().mouse_pos;
"Mouse Position: ({:.1},{:.1})",
mouse_pos[0], mouse_pos[1]
## Main library crates
The core of imgui-rs consists of:
- [`imgui`](./imgui): High-level safe API
- [`imgui-sys`](./imgui-sys): Low-level unsafe API (automatically generated)
Next, we provide two example renderers, and two example backend platform implementations:
- [`imgui-winit-support`](./imgui-winit-support): Backend platform implementation that uses the `winit` crate
- [`imgui-sdl2-support`](./imgui-sdl2-support): Backend platform using SDL2
- [`imgui-glow-renderer`](./imgui-glow-renderer): Renderer implementation that uses the `glow` crate
- [`imgui-glium-renderer`](./imgui-glium-renderer): Renderer implementation that uses the `glium` crate
Each of these contain an `examples` folder showing their usage. Check
their respective `Cargo.toml` to find compatible versions (e.g
`imgui-glow-renderer/Cargo.toml` the `[dependencies]` describes the
compatible `glow` version and `[dev-dependencies]` describes the
compatible `glutin` version)
Finally the [`imgui-examples`](./imgui-examples) folder contains
examples of how to use the `imgui` crate itself - this covers general
topics like how to show text, how to create buttons, etc - and should
be applicable to usage with any backend/renderer.
## Features
- Bindings for Dear ImGui that can be used with safe Rust. Note: API coverage
is not 100%, but will keep improving over time.
- Builder structs for use cases where the original C++ library uses optional
function parameters
- Easy integration with `glow`/ `glium`
- Easy integration with winit and sdl2 (backend platform)
- Optional support for the freetype font rasterizer and the docking branch
## Minimum Support Rust Version (MSRV)
The MSRV for `imgui-rs` and all of the backend crates is **1.70**. We update our MSRV periodically, and issue a minor bump for it.
## Choosing a backend platform and a renderer
Almost every application that uses imgui-rs needs two additional components in
addition to the main `imgui` crate: a backend platform, and a renderer.
**imgui-rs is not tied to any particular renderer or platform.**
The backend platform is responsible for integrating imgui-rs with the operating
system and its window management. Its responsibilities include the following:
- Handling input events (e.g. keyboard, mouse) and updating imgui-rs state
- Passing information about the OS window (e.g. size, DPI factor) to imgui-rs
- Updating the OS-side mouse cursor when imgui-rs requests it
The renderer is responsible for taking generic, renderer-agnostic _draw lists_
generated by imgui-rs, and rendering them using some graphics API. Its
responsibilities include the following:
- Rendering using vertex/index buffers and command lists
- Handling of DPI factors and scissor rects
- Texture management
We provide the following renderers as an official source (ie, they will always be up to date and working): `imgui-glow-renderer` and `imgui-glium-renderer`.
Additionally, we provide the following backends as an official source (ie, they will always be up to date and working): `imgui-winit-support` and `imgui-sdl2-support`.
The most tested platform/renderer combination is `imgui-glium-renderer` +
`glium` + `imgui-winit-support` + `winit`, but this is not the only possible
combination. There's also `imgui-glow-renderer`, which will increasingly replace
Additionally, there are other libraries which provide other kinds of renderers, which may be out of date with `imgui-rs` releases, but might work well for your use case:
1. [`imgui-wgpu`](https://github.com/Yatekii/imgui-wgpu-rs)
2. [`imgui-d3d12-renderer`](https://github.com/curldivergence/imgui-d3d12-renderer)
3. [`imgui-dx11-renderer`](https://github.com/veykril/imgui-dx11-renderer)
4. [`imgui-gfx-renderer`](https://github.com/imgui-rs/imgui-gfx-renderer): Deprecated (no longer maintained beyond imgui-rs v0.8). Renderer implementation that uses the `gfx` crate (_not the new gfx-hal crate_)
5. Many more can be found on [crates.io](https://crates.io) either using search or the ["dependents" page](https://crates.io/crates/imgui/reverse_dependencies) (the "depends on" text indicates if the crate has been updated for current versions of imgui-rs)
You can also write your own support code if you have a more advanced use case, because **imgui-rs is not tied to any specific graphics / OS API**.
## Compiling and running the demos
git clone https://github.com/imgui-rs/imgui-rs
cd imgui-rs
Main examples are located in the `imgui-examples` directory. These can be run like so:
# At the reposity root
cargo test
cargo run --example hello_world
cargo run --example test_window
cargo run --example test_window_impl
Examples for the Glow renderer are under the `imgui-glow-renderer/examples/` directory.
These can be run the same way as any other examples:
cargo test
cargo run --example glow_01_basic
Note to Windows users: You will need to use the _MSVC ABI_ version of the Rust
compiler along with its associated
[dependencies](https://www.rust-lang.org/en-US/downloads.html#win-foot) to
build this libary and run the examples.
## How to contribute
1. Change or add something
2. Make sure you're using the latest stable Rust
3. Run rustfmt to guarantee code style conformance
rustup component add rustfmt
cargo fmt
4. Open a pull request in Github
## License
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
- MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
Uses [Dear ImGui](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui) and
### Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.