jemallocator 0.5.4

A Rust allocator backed by jemalloc
# tikv-jemallocator

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This project is the successor of [jemallocator](

The project is also published as `jemallocator` for historical reasons. The two crates are the same except names. For new projects, it's recommended to use `tikv-xxx` versions instead.

> Links against `jemalloc` and provides a `Jemalloc` unit type that implements
> the allocator APIs and can be set as the `#[global_allocator]`

## Overview

The `jemalloc` support ecosystem consists of the following crates:

* `tikv-jemalloc-sys`: builds and links against `jemalloc` exposing raw C bindings to it.
* `tikv-jemallocator`: provides the `Jemalloc` type which implements the
  `GlobalAlloc` and `Alloc` traits. 
* `tikv-jemalloc-ctl`: high-level wrapper over `jemalloc`'s control and introspection
  APIs (the `mallctl*()` family of functions and the _MALLCTL NAMESPACE_)'

## Documentation

* [Latest release (][]

To use `tikv-jemallocator` add it as a dependency:

# Cargo.toml

[target.'cfg(not(target_env = "msvc"))'.dependencies]
tikv-jemallocator = "0.5"

To set `tikv_jemallocator::Jemalloc` as the global allocator add this to your project:

#[cfg(not(target_env = "msvc"))]
use tikv_jemallocator::Jemalloc;

#[cfg(not(target_env = "msvc"))]
static GLOBAL: Jemalloc = Jemalloc;

And that's it! Once you've defined this `static` then jemalloc will be used for
all allocations requested by Rust code in the same program.

## Platform support

The following table describes the supported platforms: 

* `build`: does the library compile for the target?
* `run`: do `tikv-jemallocator` and `tikv-jemalloc-sys` tests pass on the target?
* `jemalloc`: do `tikv-jemalloc`'s tests pass on the target?

Tier 1 targets are tested on all Rust channels (stable, beta, and nightly). All
other targets are only tested on Rust nightly.

| Linux targets:                      | build     | run     | jemalloc     |
| `aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu`         ||||
| `powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu`     ||||
| `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` (tier 1) ||||
| **MacOSX targets:**                 | **build** | **run** | **jemalloc** |
| `x86_64-apple-darwin` (tier 1)      ||||

## Features

The `tikv-jemallocator` crate re-exports the [features of the `tikv-jemalloc-sys`

## License

This project is licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in `tikv-jemallocator` by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license,
shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

[Latest Version]:
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