jsonc-parser 0.20.0

JSONC parser.


JSONC parser implemented in Rust.


To a simple JsonValue:

use jsonc_parser::parse_to_value;

let json_value = parse_to_value(r#"{ "test": 5 } // test"#, &Default::default())?;
// check the json_value here

Or an AST:

use jsonc_parser::parse_to_ast;
use jsonc_parser::CollectOptions;

let parse_result = parse_to_ast(r#"{ "test": 5 } // test"#, &CollectOptions {
    comments: true, // include comments in result
    tokens: true, // include tokens in result
}, &Default::default())?;
// ...inspect parse_result for value, tokens, and comments here...

Or use the "serde" feature:

# in Cargo.toml
jsonc-parser = { version = "...", features = ["serde"] }
use jsonc_parser::parse_to_serde_value;

let json_value = parse_to_serde_value(r#"{ "test": 5 } // test"#, &Default::default())?;

Parse Strictly as JSON

Provide ParseOptions and set all the options to false:

use jsonc_parser::parse_to_value;
use jsonc_parser::ParseOptions;

let json_value = parse_to_value(text, &ParseOptions {
  allow_comments: false,
  allow_loose_object_property_names: false,
  allow_trailing_commas: false,