# jsonpath-lib

`Rust` 버전 [JsonPath](https://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) 구현이다. `Webassembly`와 `Javascript`에서도 역시 동일한 API 인터페이스를 제공 한다.
It is an implementation of the `Rust` version [JsonPath] (https://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/). `Webassembly` and` Javascript` also provide the same API interface.
## 왜?
To enjoy Rust!
## 목차
[With Javascript](#with-javascript)
- [jsonpath-wasm library](#jsonpath-wasm-library)
- [jsonpath-rs library](#jsonpath-rs-library-only-nodejs)
- [javascript - jsonpath.select(json: string|object, jsonpath: string)](#javascript---jsonpathselectjson-stringobject-jsonpath-string)
- [javascript - jsonpath.compile(jsonpath: string)](#javascript---jsonpathcompilejsonpath-string)
- [javascript - jsonpath.selector(json: string|object)](#javascript---jsonpathselectorjson-stringobject)
- [javascript - alloc_json, dealloc_json](#javascript---alloc_json-dealloc_json)
- [javascript-wasm - examples](https://github.com/freestrings/jsonpath/wiki/javascript-wasm-examples)
[With Rust (as library)](#with-rust-as-library)
- [jsonpath_lib library](#jsonpath_lib-library)
- [rust - jsonpath::select(json: &serde_json::value::Value, jsonpath: &str)](#rust---jsonpathselectjson-serde_jsonvaluevalue-jsonpath-str)
- [rust - jsonpath::compile(jsonpath: &str)](#rust---jsonpathcompilejsonpath-str)
- [rust - jsonpath::selector(json: &serde_json::value::Value)](#rust---jsonpathselectorjson-serde_jsonvaluevalue)
- [rust - examples](https://github.com/freestrings/jsonpath/wiki/rust-examples)
[With AWS API Gateway](#)
[Simple time check - webassembly](https://github.com/freestrings/jsonpath/wiki/Simple-timecheck---jsonpath-wasm)
[Simple time check - native addon for NodeJs](https://github.com/freestrings/jsonpath/wiki/Simple-timecheck-jsonpath-native)
## With Javascript
### jsonpath-wasm library
*(not yet published `jsonpath-wasm`)*
// browser
import * as jsonpath from "jsonpath-wasm";
// NodeJs
const jsonpath = require('jsonpath-wasm');
### jsonpath-rs library (Only NodeJS)
`jsonpath-rs` is native addon for NodeJs
*(not yet published `jsonpath-rs`)*
const jsonpath = require('jsonpath-rs');
### javascript - jsonpath.select(json: string|object, jsonpath: string)
let jsonObj = {
"school": {
"friends": [{"id": 0}, {"id": 1}]
"friends": [{"id": 0}, {"id": 1}]
let ret = [{"id": 0}, {"id": 0}];
let a = jsonpath.select(JSON.stringify(jsonObj), "$..friends[0]");
let b = jsonpath.select(jsonObj, "$..friends[0]");
JSON.stringify(ret) == JSON.stringify(a),
JSON.stringify(a) == JSON.stringify(b)
### javascript - jsonpath.compile(jsonpath: string)
let template = jsonpath.compile("$..friends[0]");
let jsonObj = {
"school": {
"friends": [ {"id": 0}, {"id": 1} ]
"friends": [ {"id": 0}, {"id": 1} ]
let ret = JSON.stringify([ {"id": 0}, {"id": 0} ]);
// 1. read as json object
console.log(JSON.stringify(template(jsonObj)) == ret);
// 2. read as json string
console.log(JSON.stringify(template(JSON.stringify(jsonObj))) == ret);
let jsonObj2 = {
"school": {
"friends": [
{"name": "Millicent Norman"},
{"name": "Vincent Cannon"}
"friends": [ {"id": 0}, {"id": 1} ]
let ret2 = JSON.stringify([ {"id": 0}, {"name": "Millicent Norman"} ]);
// 1. read as json object
console.log(JSON.stringify(template(jsonObj2)) == ret2);
// 2. read as json string
console.log(JSON.stringify(template(JSON.stringify(jsonObj2))) == ret2);
### javascript - jsonpath.selector(json: string|object)
let jsonObj = {
"school": {
"friends": [{"id": 0}, {"id": 1}]
"friends": [{"id": 0},{"id": 1}]
let ret1 = JSON.stringify([ {"id": 0}, {"id": 0} ]);
let ret2 = JSON.stringify([ {"id": 1}, {"id": 1} ]);
// 1. read as json object
let selector = jsonpath.selector(jsonObj);
console.log(JSON.stringify(selector("$..friends[0]")) == ret1);
console.log(JSON.stringify(selector("$..friends[1]")) == ret2);
// 2. read as json string
let selector = jsonpath.selector(JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
console.log(JSON.stringify(selector("$..friends[0]")) == ret1);
console.log(JSON.stringify(selector("$..friends[1]")) == ret2);
### javascript - alloc_json, dealloc_json
*(in `jsonpath-rs` not yet supported)*
wasm-bindgen은 Javascript와 Webassembly 간 값을 주고받을 때 JSON 객체는 String으로 변환되기 때문에, 반복해서 사용되는 JSON 객체를 Webassembly 영역에 생성해 두면 성능에 도움이 된다.
Since wasm-bindgen converts JSON objects to String when exchanging values between Javascript and Webassembly, it is helpful to create repeated Json objects in Webassembly area.
let jsonObj = {
"school": {
"friends": [{"id": 0}, {"id": 1}]
"friends": [{"id": 0},{"id": 1}]
let path = '$..friends[0]';
let template = jsonpath.compile(path);
let selector = jsonpath.selector(jsonObj);
let ptr = jsonpath.alloc_json(jsonObj);
if(ptr == 0) console.error('invalid ptr'); // `0` is invalid pointer
let selector2 = jsonpath.selector(ptr);
let ret1 = selector(path)
let ret2 = selector2(path)
let ret3 = template(jsonObj);
let ret4 = template(ptr);
let ret5 = jsonpath.select(jsonObj, path);
let ret6 = jsonpath.select(ptr, path);
JSON.stringify(ret1) == JSON.stringify(ret2),// true
JSON.stringify(ret1) == JSON.stringify(ret3),// true
JSON.stringify(ret1) == JSON.stringify(ret4),// true
JSON.stringify(ret1) == JSON.stringify(ret5),// true
JSON.stringify(ret1) == JSON.stringify(ret6));// true
## With Rust (as library)
### jsonpath_lib library
extern crate jsonpath_lib as jsonpath;
extern crate serde_json;
### rust - jsonpath::select(&json: serde_json::value::Value, jsonpath: &str)
let json_obj = json!({
"school": {
"friends": [{"id": 0}, {"id": 1}]
"friends": [{"id": 0}, {"id": 1}]
let json = jsonpath::select(json_obj, "$..friends[0]").unwrap();
let ret = json!([ {"id": 0}, {"id": 0} ]);
assert_eq!(json, ret)
### rust - jsonpath::compile(jsonpath: &str)
let mut template = jsonpath::compile("$..friends[0]");
let json_obj = json!({
"school": {
"friends": [ {"id": 0}, {"id": 1} ]
"friends": [ {"id": 0}, {"id": 1} ]
let json = template(&json_obj).unwrap();
let ret = json!([ {"id": 0}, {"id": 0} ]);
assert_eq!(json, ret);
let json_obj = json!({
"school": {
"friends": [ {"name": "Millicent Norman"}, {"name": "Vincent Cannon"} ]
"friends": [ {"id": 0}, {"id": 1} ]
let json = template(json_obj).unwrap();
let ret = json!([ {"id": 0}, {"name": "Millicent Norman"} ]);
assert_eq!(json, ret);
### rust - jsonpath::selector(&json: serde_json::value::Value)
let json_obj = json!({
"school": {
"friends": [{"id": 0}, {"id": 1}]
"friends": [{"id": 0},{"id": 1}]
let mut selector = jsonpath::selector(&json_obj);
let json = selector("$..friends[0]").unwrap();
let ret = json!([ {"id": 0}, {"id": 0} ]);
assert_eq!(json, ret);
let json = selector("$..friends[1]").unwrap();
let ret = json!([ {"id": 1}, {"id": 1} ]);
assert_eq!(json, ret);