jupyter-websocket-client 0.9.0

Connect to Jupyter Servers over WebSockets

jupyter-websocket-client crate

Note: This crate does not support tokio at this time.


use jupyter_websocket_client::RemoteServer;

use jupyter_protocol::{KernelInfoRequest, JupyterMessageContent};

// Import the sink and stream extensions to allow splitting the socket into a writer and reader pair
use futures::{SinkExt as _, StreamExt as _};

pub async fn connect_kernel() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let server = RemoteServer::from_url(

    // You'll need to launch a kernel and get a kernel ID using your own HTTP
    // request library
    let kernel_id = "1057-1057-1057-1057";

    let kernel_socket = server.connect_to_kernel(kernel_id).await?;

    let (mut w, mut r) = kernel_socket.split();

    w.send(KernelInfoRequest {}.into()).await?;

    while let Some(response) = r.next().await.transpose()? {
        match response.content {
            JupyterMessageContent::KernelInfoReply(kernel_info_reply) => {
                println!("Received kernel_info_reply");
                println!("{:?}", kernel_info_reply);
            other => {
                println!("{:?}", other);
