# Kraken-Async-Rs
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A complete[^3] wrapper of the Kraken Pro trading API (v1 and v2 websockets), written in asynchronous Rust.
It's not expected that you'll be able to use Kraken-Async-Rs without consulting
the [Kraken API](https://docs.kraken.com/rest/#section/General-Usage)
and [Websocket](https://docs.kraken.com/websockets/#overview)
documentation. Going forward, you should reference the new API docs:
[Kraken REST API](https://docs.kraken.com/api/docs/rest-api/get-server-time),
[Kraken Websockets V1](https://docs.kraken.com/api/docs/websocket-v1/addorder),
and [Kraken Websockets V2](https://docs.kraken.com/api/docs/websocket-v2/add_order).
There are many details and interdependencies[^1] to each request that are not documented or enforced in
the library since they're outside this library's control and subject to change.
### Example: Calling a Public Endpoint
Public endpoint calls are as easy a creating a client object and awaiting a request. Since no API secrets are required,
a blank, static set is provided using `StaticSecretsProvider` with empty `&str` values. See
the [full example](examples/live_public_endpoint_request.rs) for imports.
async fn main() {
// credentials aren't needed for public endpoints
let secrets_provider: Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn SecretsProvider>>> = Box::new(Arc::new(Mutex::new(StaticSecretsProvider::new("", ""))));
let nonce_provider: Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn NonceProvider>>> =
let mut client = CoreKrakenClient::new(secrets_provider, nonce_provider);
let request = TradableAssetPairsRequest::builder()
let open_orders_response = client.get_tradable_asset_pairs(&request).await;
// Note that Kraken will return assets in their own naming scheme, e.g. a request for
// "BTCUSD" will return as "XXBTZUSD"
// For a reasonable understanding of their mappings, see: https://gist.github.com/brendano257/975a395d73a6d7bb53e53d292534d6af
if let Ok(ResultErrorResponse {
result: Some(tradable_assets),
}) = open_orders_response
for (asset, details) in tradable_assets {
println!("{asset}: {details:?}")
### Example: Calling a Private Endpoint
Private endpoint calls require valid credentials, which can be provided statically by any means, or via an
`EnvSecretsProvider` that will automatically load an `.env` file in the project directory, and retrieve the specified
keys from the local env. See the [full example](examples/live_open_orders_request.rs) for imports.
async fn main() {
// note that this will fail if you don't have your key and secret set to these env vars
// eg `export KRAKEN_KEY="YOUR-API-KEY"`, ...
let secrets_provider: Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn SecretsProvider>>> = Box::new(Arc::new(Mutex::new(StaticSecretsProvider::new("", ""))));
let nonce_provider: Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn NonceProvider>>> =
let mut client = CoreKrakenClient::new(secrets_provider, nonce_provider);
let request = OpenOrdersRequest::builder().build();
let open_orders_response = client.get_open_orders(&request).await;
if let Ok(ResultErrorResponse {
result: Some(open_orders),
}) = open_orders_response
for (order_id, order) in open_orders.open {
println!("{order_id}: {order:?}")
### Example: Listening to Websockets (V2)
Public websockets require no authentication, so it's as easy as creating a `v2::KrakenWSSClient`, connecting, and
sending any subscription methods and then awaiting the `.next()` method of the returned `KrakenMessageStream`.
You can also visit the [full example](examples/live_wss_ohlc_v2.rs) with logging and imports.
async fn main() {
let mut client = KrakenWSSClient::new();
let mut kraken_stream = client.connect::<WssMessage>().await.unwrap();
let ohlc_params = OhlcSubscription::new(vec!["ETH/USD".into()], 60);
let subscription = Message::new_subscription(ohlc_params, 0);
let result = kraken_stream.send(&subscription).await;
while let Ok(Some(message)) = timeout(Duration::from_secs(10), kraken_stream.next()).await {
if let Ok(response) = message {
println!("{:?}", response);
} else {
println!("Message failed: {:?}", message);
### Example: Listening to Websockets (V1 - Deprecated)
_Kraken released a V2 version of their APIs with simplified data types, new functionality, and more standardized
You should use the V2 API instead if at all possible, since the V1 endpoints will be maintained but not improved._
Public websockets require no authentication, so it's as easy as creating a `KrakenWSSClient`, connecting, and sending
any subscription methods and then awaiting the `.next()` method of the returned `KrakenMessageStream`.
You can also visit the [full example](examples/live_public_wss_listening.rs) with logging and imports.
async fn main() {
let subscriptions = [
// many of these have additional options that could be set
Subscription::new_book_subscription(Some(10)), // use a depth of 10 for simplicity
let mut client = KrakenWSSClient::new();
let mut kraken_stream: KrakenMessageStream<PublicMessage> = client.connect().await.unwrap();
for subscription in subscriptions {
// for more valid pairs for WSS requests, consult the `ws_name` field of `get_tradable_asset_pairs`
let subscribe_message =
SubscribeMessage::new(0, Some(vec!["XBT/USD".into()]), subscription);
kraken_stream.subscribe(&subscribe_message).await.expect("failed to subscribe");
while let Some(message) = kraken_stream.next().await {
println!("{:?}", message.unwrap());
### Request Details
Requests that have more than 1 or 2 parameters are generally given a struct, rather than having methods with many
parameters. The `builder` implementation enforces required parameter by using
the [simple-builder](https://crates.io/crates/simple-builder) package that marks
fields as required, ensuring they must be provided in the `.builder()` call. Any optional parameters can be added using
a fluent API.
For example, the Depth (orderbook) endpoint requires a pair, but can optionally take a `count` parameter for the number
of bids/asks on each side to return. The builder then behaves like below:
let request = OrderbookRequest::builder("ETHUSD".to_string())
### Response Details
A best-effort was made to adhere to the format of Kraken's responses, except for cases where it poses some pretty
severe usability limitations. Deserialization uses `serde`, and leaves most datatypes as-is, except Strings are
parsed to `rust_decimal::Decimal`, and many enums are used where the values are clearly documented. The majority
of `i64`
`String`/RFC3339, and `f64` timestamps remain as such. The goal was to provide a great base library for others to
build from, without limiting downstream uses by parsing everything and reducing overall performance. If you're
general-purpose trading algorithms, you should be writing them over a common abstraction that can do this parsing
If you disagree or have parsing, formatting, or any other issues or blocked use cases, please reach out with a clear
example of your issue!
### Security
- The `secrecy` crate is used to prevent accidental logging of websocket tokens in request and response objects
- The features `debug-inbound` and `debug-outbound` are off by default, and **will log tokens when enabled**, as they
incoming and outgoing messages as strings, which cannot be redacted easily
### Misc Details
- Parameters and response values are often renamed from the Kraken API fields to adhere to Rust's naming conventions or
improve readability
### Contributions
This is a large project developed in isolation, and I undoubtedly missed things despite my best efforts. Please reach
out with a clear example of any bugs, usability problems, or suggestions for improvement!
value. Cases like these are numerous and *not* enforced by this library.
or `offset`...), `vol_exec` -> `executed_volume`, `qty` -> `quantity`, and many more.
it, but have no use case for it. Reach out if you do, or want to contribute.