kube 0.43.0

Kubernetes client in futures controller runtime

Crate for interacting with the Kubernetes API

This crate includes the tools for manipulating Kubernetes resources as well as keeping track of those resources as they change over time


The following example will crate a [Pod][k8s_openapi::api::core::v1::Pod] and then watch for it to become available using a manual Api::watch call.

use futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use kube::api::{Api, Meta, ListParams, PostParams, WatchEvent};
use kube::Client;
use k8s_openapi::api::core::v1::Pod;

async fn main() -> Result<(), kube::Error> {
// Read the environment to find config for kube client.
// Note that this tries an in-cluster configuration first,
// then falls back on a kubeconfig file.
let client = Client::try_default().await?;

// Get a strongly typed handle to the Kubernetes API for interacting
// with pods in the "default" namespace.
let pods: Api<Pod> = Api::namespaced(client, "default");

// Create a pod from JSON
let pod = serde_json::from_value(serde_json::json!({
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"name": "my-pod"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"name": "my-container",
"image": "myregistry.azurecr.io/hello-world:v1",

// Create the pod
let pod = pods.create(&PostParams::default(), &pod).await?;

// Start a watch call for pods matching our name
let lp = ListParams::default()
.fields(&format!("metadata.name={}", "my-pod"))
let mut stream = pods.watch(&lp, "0").await?.boxed();

// Observe the pods phase for 10 seconds
while let Some(status) = stream.try_next().await? {
match status {
WatchEvent::Added(o) => println!("Added {}", Meta::name(&o)),
WatchEvent::Modified(o) => {
let s = o.status.as_ref().expect("status exists on pod");
let phase = s.phase.clone().unwrap_or_default();
println!("Modified: {} with phase: {}", Meta::name(&o), phase);
WatchEvent::Deleted(o) => println!("Deleted {}", Meta::name(&o)),
WatchEvent::Error(e) => println!("Error {}", e),
_ => {}
