Expand description
With lazy-regex macros, regular expressions
- are checked at compile time, with clear error messages
- are wrapped in
lazy static initializers so that they’re compiled only once - can hold flags as suffix:
let case_insensitive_regex = regex!("ab*"i);
- are defined in a less verbose way
The regex! macro returns references to normal instances of regex::Regex or regex::bytes::Regex so all the usual features are available.
But most often, you won’t even use the regex!
macro but the other macros which are specialized for testing a match, replacing, or capturing groups in some common situations:
- Test a match with regex_is_match!
- Extract a value with regex_find!
- Capture with regex_captures! and regex_captures_iter!
- Replace with captured groups with regex_replace! and regex_replace_all!
- Switch over patterns with regex_switch!
They support the B
flag for the regex::bytes::Regex
All macros exist with a bytes_
prefix for building bytes::Regex
, so you also have bytes_regex!, bytes_regex_is_match!, bytes_regex_find!, bytes_regex_captures!, bytes_regex_replace!, bytes_regex_replace_all!, and bytes_regex_switch!.
Some structs of the regex crate are reexported to ease dependency managment.
§Build Regexes
use lazy_regex::regex;
// build a simple regex
let r = regex!("sa+$");
assert_eq!(r.is_match("Saa"), false);
// build a regex with flag(s)
let r = regex!("sa+$"i);
assert_eq!(r.is_match("Saa"), true);
// you can use a raw literal
let r = regex!(r#"^"+$"#);
assert_eq!(r.is_match("\"\""), true);
// or a raw literal with flag(s)
let r = regex!(r#"^\s*("[a-t]*"\s*)+$"#i);
assert_eq!(r.is_match(r#" "Aristote" "Platon" "#), true);
// build a regex that operates on &[u8]
let r = regex!("(byte)?string$"B);
assert_eq!(r.is_match(b"bytestring"), true);
// there's no problem using the multiline definition syntax
let r = regex!(r"(?x)
assert_eq!(r.find("This is lazy_regex-2.2!").unwrap().as_str(), "lazy_regex-2.2");
// (look at the regex_captures! macro to easily extract the groups)
// this line doesn't compile because the regex is invalid:
let r = regex!("(unclosed");
Supported regex flags: i
, m
, s
, x
, U
, and you may also use B
to build a bytes regex.
The following regexes are equivalent:
They’re all case insensitive instances of regex::bytes::Regex
§Test a match
use lazy_regex::*;
let b = regex_is_match!("[ab]+", "car");
assert_eq!(b, true);
let b = bytes_regex_is_match!("[ab]+", b"car");
assert_eq!(b, true);
doc: regex_is_match!
§Extract a value
use lazy_regex::regex_find;
let f_word = regex_find!(r"\bf\w+\b", "The fox jumps.");
assert_eq!(f_word, Some("fox"));
let f_word = regex_find!(r"\bf\w+\b"B, b"The forest is silent.");
assert_eq!(f_word, Some(b"forest" as &[u8]));
doc: regex_find!
use lazy_regex::regex_captures;
let (_, letter) = regex_captures!("([a-z])[0-9]+"i, "form A42").unwrap();
assert_eq!(letter, "A");
let (whole, name, version) = regex_captures!(
r"(\w+)-([0-9.]+)", // a literal regex
"This is lazy_regex-2.0!", // any expression
assert_eq!(whole, "lazy_regex-2.0");
assert_eq!(name, "lazy_regex");
assert_eq!(version, "2.0");
There’s no limit to the size of the tuple. It’s checked at compile time to ensure you have the right number of capturing groups.
You receive ""
for optional groups with no value.
See regex_captures! and regex_captures_iter!
§Replace with captured groups
The regex_replace! and regex_replace_all! macros bring once compilation and compilation time checks to the replace
and replace_all
§Replace with a closure
use lazy_regex::regex_replace_all;
let text = "Foo8 fuu3";
let text = regex_replace_all!(
|_, name, digit| format!("F<{}>{}", name, digit),
assert_eq!(text, "F<oo>8 F<uu>3");
The number of arguments given to the closure is checked at compilation time to match the number of groups in the regular expression.
If it doesn’t match you get a clear error message at compilation time.
§Replace with another kind of Replacer
use lazy_regex::regex_replace_all;
let text = "UwU";
let output = regex_replace_all!("U", text, "O");
assert_eq!(&output, "OwO");
§Switch over patterns
Execute the expression bound to the first matching regex, with named captured groups declared as varibles:
use lazy_regex::regex_switch;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ScrollCommand {
impl std::str::FromStr for ScrollCommand {
type Err = &'static str;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
"^scroll-to-top$" => Self::Top,
"^scroll-to-bottom$" => Self::Bottom,
r"^scroll-lines?\((?<n>[+-]?\d{1,4})\)$" => Self::Lines(n.parse().unwrap()),
r"^scroll-pages?\((?<n>[+-]?\d{1,4})\)$" => Self::Pages(n.parse().unwrap()),
r"^jump-to\((?<name>\w+)\)$" => Self::JumpTo(name.to_string()),
).ok_or("unknown command")
assert_eq!("scroll-lines(42)".parse(), Ok(ScrollCommand::Lines(42)));
assert_eq!("scroll-lines(XLII)".parse::<ScrollCommand>(), Err("unknown command"));
doc: regex_switch!
§Shared lazy static
When a regular expression is used in several functions, you sometimes don’t want to repeat it but have a shared static instance.
The regex! macro, while being backed by a lazy static regex, returns a reference.
If you want to have a shared lazy static regex, use the lazy_regex! macro:
use lazy_regex::*;
pub static GLOBAL_REX: Lazy<Regex> = lazy_regex!("^ab+$"i);
Like for the other macros, the regex is static, checked at compile time, and lazily built at first use.
doc: lazy_regex!
pub use regex;
- bytes_
lazy_ regex - Return an instance of
that you can use in a public static declaration. - bytes_
regex - Return a lazy static
checked at compilation time and built at first use. - bytes_
regex_ captures - Extract captured groups as a tuple of &u8
- bytes_
regex_ find - Extract the leftmost match of the regex in the
second argument as a
- bytes_
regex_ if - bytes_
regex_ is_ match - Test whether an expression matches a lazy static bytes::Regex regular expression (the regex is checked at compile time)
- bytes_
regex_ replace - Replaces the leftmost match in the second argument using the replacer given as third argument.
- bytes_
regex_ replace_ all - Replaces all non-overlapping matches in the second argument using the replacer given as third argument.
- bytes_
regex_ switch - Define a set of lazy static statically compiled regexes, with a block
or expression for each one. The first matching expression is computed
with the named capture groups declaring
variables available for this computation. If no regex matches, returnNone
. - lazy_
regex - Return an instance of
that you can use in a public static declaration. - regex
- Return a lazy static Regex checked at compilation time and built at first use.
- regex_
captures - Extract captured groups as a tuple of &str.
- regex_
captures_ iter - Returns an iterator that yields successive non-overlapping matches in the given haystack.
The iterator yields values of type
. - regex_
find - Extract the leftmost match of the regex in the
second argument, as a
, or a&[u8]
if theB
flag is set. - regex_
if - Return an Option
, with T being the type returned by the block or expression given as third argument. - regex_
is_ match - Test whether an expression matches a lazy static regular expression (the regex is checked at compile time)
- regex_
replace - Replaces the leftmost match in the second argument using the replacer given as third argument.
- regex_
replace_ all - Replaces all non-overlapping matches in the second argument using the replacer given as third argument.
- regex_
switch - Define a set of lazy static statically compiled regexes, with a block
or expression for each one. The first matching expression is computed
with the named capture groups declaring
variables available for this computation. If no regex matches, returnNone
- Bytes
Regex - A compiled regular expression for searching Unicode haystacks.
- Bytes
Regex Builder - A configurable builder for a
. - Captures
- Represents the capture groups for a single match.
- Lazy
- A value which is initialized on the first access.
- Regex
- A compiled regular expression for searching Unicode haystacks.
- Regex
Builder - A configurable builder for a