leptonic 0.5.0

The Leptos component library.
# Leptonic

Component library for the [Leptos](https://github.com/leptos-rs/leptos) framework.

Visit [leptonic.dev](https://leptonic.dev) for installation instructions, component-guides, theming instructions and more. leptonic.dev is the deployed `book` example and itself build with leptonic.

## Leptos compatibility

| Crate version | Compatible Leptos version |
| 0.1         | 0.4                     |
| 0.2         | 0.4                     |
| 0.3.0-rc1   | 0.5.0-rc1               |
| 0.3, 0.4    | 0.5                     |
| 0.5         | 0.6                     |


The minimum supported rust version is `1.70.0`