leptos_meta 0.7.2

Tools to set HTML metadata in the Leptos web framework.

Leptos Meta

Leptos Meta allows you to modify content in a document’s <head> from within components using the Leptos web framework.

Document metadata is updated automatically when running in the browser. For server-side rendering, after the component tree is rendered to HTML, [ServerMetaContextOutput::inject_meta_context] will inject meta tags into a stream of HTML inside the <head>.

use leptos::prelude::*;
use leptos_meta::*;

fn MyApp() -> impl IntoView {
// Provides a [`MetaContext`], if there is not already one provided.

let (name, set_name) = create_signal("Alice".to_string());

view! {
// reactively sets document.title when `name` changes
text=move || name.get()
// applies the `formatter` function to the `text` value
formatter=|text| format!("{text}” is your name")
prop:value=move || name.get()
on:input=move |ev| set_name.set(event_target_value(&ev))

Feature Flags

  • ssr Server-side rendering: Generate an HTML string (typically on the server)
  • tracing Adds integration with the tracing crate.

Important Note: If you’re using server-side rendering, you should enable ssr.