lewton 0.10.2

Pure Rust vorbis decoder
# Note that this rustfmt file only provides rough
# guidelines about how the style should be.
# Right now, rustfmt is not capable to map all
# demands to the code style (yet).

hard_tabs = true
normalize_comments = false
max_width = 120
ideal_width = 100
space_before_type_annotation = true
space_before_bound = false
space_after_type_annotation_colon = false
space_after_bound_colon = true
spaces_around_ranges = true
match_block_trailing_comma = true
match_wildcard_trailing_comma = true
wrap_match_arms = false
fn_brace_style = "PreferSameLine"
item_brace_style = "PreferSameLine"
fn_args_layout = "Block"
where_pred_indent = "Block"
generics_indent = "Block"
struct_lit_style = "Block"
fn_call_style = "Block"
chain_indent = "Block"
take_source_hints = true
trailing_comma = "Vertical"
fn_args_density = "Compressed"
where_density = "Compressed"