Barebones wrapper around libFuzzer runtime library.
The CPP parts are extracted from compiler-rt git repository with `git filter-branch`.
libFuzzer relies on LLVM sanitizer support. The Rust compiler has built-in support for LLVM sanitizer support, for now, it's limited to Linux. As a result, libfuzzer-sys only works on Linux.
# How to use
Use [cargo-fuzz].
This crate can also be used manually as following:
First create a new cargo project:
$ cargo new --bin fuzzed
$ cd fuzzed
Then add a dependency on the fuzzer-sys crate and your own crate:
libfuzzer-sys = { git = "" } # will eventually publish to
your_crate = "*" # or something
and change the `src/` to fuzz your code:
extern crate libfuzzer_sys;
extern crate your_crate;
fuzz_target!(|data: &[u8]| {
// code to fuzz goes here
Finally, run the following commands:
$ cargo rustc -- -C passes='sancov' -C llvm-args='-sanitizer-coverage-level=3' -Z sanitizer=address
$ ./target/debug/fuzzed # runs fuzzing
## Updating libfuzzer from upstream
./ <llvm/compiler-rt SHA1>
## License
All files in `libfuzzer` directory are licensed NCSA.
Everything else is dual-licensed Apache 2.0 and MIT.