## Unreleased
Released YYYY-MM-DD.
### Added
* TODO (or remove section if none)
### Changed
* TODO (or remove section if none)
### Deprecated
* TODO (or remove section if none)
### Removed
* TODO (or remove section if none)
### Fixed
* TODO (or remove section if none)
### Security
* TODO (or remove section if none)
## 0.3.3
Released 2020-07-27.
### Changed
* Upgraded libfuzzer to commit
Notably, this pulls in [the new Entropic engine for
libFuzzer](https://mboehme.github.io/paper/FSE20.Entropy.pdf), which should
boost fuzzing efficiency when enabled. You can enable Entropic by passing
`-entropic=1` to your built fuzz targets (although, note that it is still
labeled "experimental").
## 0.3.2
Released 2020-03-18.
### Changed
* Upgraded the `arbitrary` dependency re-export to version 0.4.1.
## 0.3.1
Released 2020-02-27.
### Changed
* Fixed a fuzzing performance issue where libfuzzer could unnecessarily spend
time exploring all the ways that an `Arbitrary` implementation could fail to
construct an instance of itself because the fuzzer provided too few bytes. See
https://github.com/rust-fuzz/libfuzzer/issues/59 for details.
## 0.3.0
Released 2019-01-22.
### Changed
* Now works with and re-exports `arbitrary` versions 0.4.x.
## 0.2.1
Released 2019-01-16.
### Added
* Added support for the `CUSTOM_LIBFUZZER_STD_CXX=<lib>` environment variable
during builds that already use a custom libFuzzer checkout with
`CUSTOM_LIBFUZZER_PATH`. This allows you to explicitly choose to link LLVM or
GNU C++ standard libraries.
## 0.2.0
Released 2020-01-14.
### Changed
* Using `arbitrary` 0.3.x now. It is re-exported as `libfuzzer_sys::arbitrary`.
### Added
* You can enable support for `#[derive(Arbitrary)]` with the
`"arbitrary-derive"` cargo feature. This is a synonym for the `arbitrary`
crate's `"derive"` cargo feature.
## 0.1.0