# 0.43.0
- Update to `libp2p-core` `v0.39.0`.
- Require the node's local `PeerId` to be passed into the constructor of `libp2p_mdns::Behaviour`. See [PR 3153].
- Update to `libp2p-swarm` `v0.42.0`.
- Don't expire mDNS records when the last connection was closed.
mDNS records will only be expired when the TTL is reached and the DNS record is no longer valid.
See [PR 3367].
[PR 3153]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/3153
[PR 3367]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/3367
# 0.42.0
- Update to `libp2p-core` `v0.38.0`.
- Update to `libp2p-swarm` `v0.41.0`.
- Update to `if-watch` `3.0.0` and both rename `TokioMdns` to `Behaviour` living in `tokio::Behaviour`,
and move and rename `Mdns` to `async_io::Behaviour`. See [PR 3096].
- Remove the remaning `Mdns` prefixes from types as per [discussion 2174].
I.e the `Mdns` prefix has been removed from various types like `MdnsEvent`.
Users should prefer importing the mdns protocol as a module (`use libp2p::mdns;`),
and refer to its types via `mdns::`. For example: `mdns::Behaviour` or `mdns::Event`.
- Replace `GenMdns`'s `NetworkBehaviour` implemention `inject_*` methods with the new `on_*` methods.
See [PR 3011].
- Use `trust-dns-proto` to parse DNS messages. See [PR 3102].
- Update `rust-version` to reflect the actual MSRV: 1.62.0. See [PR 3090].
[discussion 2174]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/discussions/2174
[PR 3096]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/3096
[PR 3011]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/3011
[PR 3102]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/3102
[PR 3090]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/3090
# 0.41.0
- Remove default features. If you previously depended on `async-io` you need to enable this explicitly now. See [PR 2918].
- Update to `libp2p-core` `v0.37.0`.
- Update to `libp2p-swarm` `v0.40.0`.
- Fix a bug that could cause a delay of ~10s until peers would get discovered when using the tokio runtime. See [PR 2939].
- Removed the `lazy_static` dependency. See [PR 2977].
- Update to `if-watch` `v2.0.0` and thus the `async` method `Mdns::new` and `TokioMdns::new` becomes synchronous. See [PR 2978].
[PR 2918]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2918
[PR 2939]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2939
[PR 2977]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2977
[PR 2978]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2978
# 0.40.0
- Update to `libp2p-swarm` `v0.39.0`.
- Allow users to choose between async-io and tokio runtime
in the mdns protocol implementation. `async-io` is a default
feature, with an additional `tokio` feature (see [PR 2748])
- Fix high CPU usage with Tokio library (see [PR 2748]).
- Update to `libp2p-core` `v0.36.0`.
[PR 2748]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2748
# 0.39.0
- Update to `libp2p-swarm` `v0.38.0`.
- Update to `if-watch` `v1.1.1`.
- Update to `libp2p-core` `v0.35.0`.
# 0.38.0
- Update to `libp2p-core` `v0.34.0`.
- Update to `libp2p-swarm` `v0.37.0`.
# 0.37.0
- Update to `libp2p-core` `v0.33.0`.
- Update to `libp2p-swarm` `v0.36.0`.
# 0.36.0
- Update to `libp2p-swarm` `v0.35.0`.
# 0.35.0 [2022-02-22]
- Update to `libp2p-core` `v0.32.0`.
- Update to `libp2p-swarm` `v0.34.0`.
- Merge NetworkBehaviour's inject_\* paired methods (see PR 2445).
[PR 2445]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2445
# 0.34.0 [2022-01-27]
- Update dependencies.
- Use a random alphanumeric string instead of the local peer ID for mDNS peer
name (see [PR 2311]).
Note that previous versions of `libp2p-mdns` expect the peer name to be a
valid peer ID. Thus they will be unable to discover nodes running this new
version of `libp2p-mdns`.
- Migrate to Rust edition 2021 (see [PR 2339]).
- Fix generation of peer expiration event and listen on specified IP version (see [PR 2359]).
- Support multiple interfaces (see [PR 2383]).
[PR 2339]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2339
[PR 2311]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2311/
[PR 2359]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2359
[PR 2383]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2383
# 0.33.0 [2021-11-16]
- Update dependencies.
# 0.32.0 [2021-11-01]
- Make default features of `libp2p-core` optional.
[PR 2181](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2181)
- Update dependencies.
- Add support for IPv6. To enable set the multicast address
See [PR 2161] for details.
- Prevent timers from firing at the same time. See [PR 2212] for details.
[PR 2161]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2161/
[PR 2212]: https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2212/
# 0.31.0 [2021-07-12]
- Update dependencies.
# 0.30.2 [2021-05-06]
- Fix discovered event emission.
[PR 2065](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2065)
# 0.30.1 [2021-04-21]
- Fix timely discovery of peers after listening on a new address.
[PR 2053](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/2053/)
# 0.30.0 [2021-04-13]
- Derive `Debug` and `Clone` for `MdnsConfig`.
- Update `libp2p-swarm`.
# 0.29.0 [2021-03-17]
- Introduce `MdnsConfig` with configurable TTL of discovered peer
records and configurable multicast query interval. The default
query interval is increased from 20 seconds to 5 minutes, to
significantly reduce bandwidth usage. To ensure timely peer
discovery in the majority of cases, a multicast query is
initiated whenever a change on a network interface is detected,
which includes MDNS initialisation at node startup. If necessary
the MDNS query interval can be reduced via the `MdnsConfig`.
The `MdnsService` has been removed from the public API, making
it compulsory that all uses occur through the `Mdns` `NetworkBehaviour`.
An `MdnsConfig` must now be given to `Mdns::new()`.
[PR 1977](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1977).
- Update `libp2p-swarm`.
# 0.28.1 [2021-02-15]
- Update dependencies.
# 0.28.0 [2021-01-12]
- Update dependencies.
# 0.27.0 [2020-12-17]
- Update `libp2p-swarm` and `libp2p-core`.
# 0.26.0 [2020-12-08]
- Create multiple multicast response packets as required to avoid
hitting the limit of 9000 bytes per MDNS packet.
[PR 1877](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1877).
- Detect interface changes and join the MDNS multicast
group on all interfaces as they become available.
[PR 1830](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1830).
- Replace the use of macros for abstracting over `tokio`
and `async-std` with the use of `async-io`. As a result
there may now be an additional reactor thread running
called `async-io` when using `tokio`, with the futures
still being polled by the `tokio` runtime.
[PR 1830](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1830).
# 0.25.0 [2020-11-25]
- Update `libp2p-swarm` and `libp2p-core`.
# 0.24.0 [2020-11-09]
- Update dependencies.
# 0.23.0 [2020-10-16]
- Update `libp2p-swarm` and `libp2p-core`.
- Double receive buffer to 4KiB. [PR 1779](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1779/files).
# 0.22.0 [2020-09-09]
- Update `libp2p-swarm` and `libp2p-core`.
# 0.21.0 [2020-08-18]
- Bump `libp2p-core` and `libp2p-swarm` dependencies.
- Allow libp2p-mdns to use either async-std or tokio to drive required UDP
socket ([PR 1699](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1699)).
# 0.20.0 [2020-07-01]
- Updated dependencies.
# 0.19.2 [2020-06-22]
- Updated dependencies.