libp2p-noise 0.1.0

Cryptographic handshake protocol using the noise framework.

Noise protocol framework support for libp2p.

This crate provides libp2p_core::InboundUpgrade and libp2p_core::OutboundUpgrade implementations for various noise handshake patterns, currently IK, IX, and XX.

All upgrades produce as output a pair, consisting of the remote's static public key and a NoiseOutput which represents the established cryptographic session with the remote, implementing tokio_io::AsyncRead and tokio_io::AsyncWrite.



use libp2p_core::Transport;
use libp2p_tcp::TcpConfig;
use libp2p_noise::{Keypair, NoiseConfig};

# fn main() {
let keypair = Keypair::gen_curve25519();
let transport = TcpConfig::new().with_upgrade(NoiseConfig::xx(keypair));
// ...
# }