# 0.27.2 [2021-02-04]
- Have `ToggleProtoHandler` ignore listen upgrade errors when disabled.
[PR 1945](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1945/files).
# 0.27.1 [2021-01-27]
- Make `OneShotHandler`s `max_dial_negotiate` limit configurable.
[PR 1936](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1936).
- Fix handling of DialPeerCondition::Always.
[PR 1937](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1937).
# 0.27.0 [2021-01-12]
- Update dependencies.
# 0.26.0 [2020-12-17]
- Update `libp2p-core`.
- Remove `NotifyHandler::All` thus removing the requirement for events send from
a `NetworkBehaviour` to a `ProtocolsHandler` to be `Clone`.
[PR 1880](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1880).
# 0.25.1 [2020-11-26]
- Add `ExpandedSwarm::is_connected`.
[PR 1862](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1862).
# 0.25.0 [2020-11-25]
- Permit a configuration override for the substream upgrade protocol
to use for all (outbound) substreams.
[PR 1858](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1858).
- Changed parameters for connection limits from `usize` to `u32`.
Connection limits are now configured via `SwarmBuilder::connection_limits()`.
- Update `libp2p-core`.
- Expose configurable scores for external addresses, as well as
the ability to remove them and to add addresses that are
retained "forever" (or until explicitly removed).
[PR 1842](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1842).
# 0.24.0 [2020-11-09]
- Update dependencies.
# 0.23.0 [2020-10-16]
- Require a `Boxed` transport to be given to the `Swarm`
or `SwarmBuilder` to avoid unnecessary double-boxing of
transports and simplify API bounds.
[PR 1794](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1794)
- Respect inbound timeouts and upgrade versions in the `MultiHandler`.
[PR 1786](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1786).
- Instead of iterating each inbound and outbound substream upgrade looking for
one to make progress, use a `FuturesUnordered` for both pending inbound and
pending outbound upgrades. As a result only those upgrades are polled that are
ready to progress.
Implementors of `InboundUpgrade` and `OutboundUpgrade` need to ensure to wake
up the underlying task once they are ready to make progress as they won't be
polled otherwise.
[PR 1775](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1775)
# 0.22.0 [2020-09-09]
- Bump `libp2p-core` dependency.
- Adds `ProtocolsHandler::InboundOpenInfo` type which mirrors the existing
`OutboundOpenInfo` type. A value of this type is passed as an extra argument
to `ProtocolsHandler::inject_fully_negotiated_inbound` and
- `SubstreamProtocol` now has a second type parameter corresponding to
inbound or outbound information, a value of which is part of `SubstreamProtocol`
now. Consequently `ProtocolsHandlerEvent::OutboundSubstreamRequest` no longer
has a separate `info` field.
# 0.21.0 [2020-08-18]
- Add missing delegation calls in some `ProtocolsHandler` wrappers.
See [PR 1710](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1710).
- Add as_ref and as_mut functions to Toggle
[PR 1684](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1684).
- The `cause` of `SwarmEvent::ConnectionClosed` is now an `Option`,
and `None` indicates an active connection close not caused by an
- `DialError::Banned` has been added and is returned from `Swarm::dial`
if the peer is banned, thereby also invoking the `NetworkBehaviour::inject_dial_failure`
- Update the `libp2p-core` dependency to `0.21`, fixing [1584](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/issues/1584).
- Fix connections being kept alive by `OneShotHandler` when not handling any
requests [PR 1698](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1698).
# 0.20.1 [2020-07-08]
- Documentation updates.
- Ignore addresses returned by `NetworkBehaviour::addresses_of_peer`
that the `Swarm` considers to be listening addresses of the local node. This
avoids futile dialing attempts of a node to itself, which can otherwise
even happen in genuine situations, e.g. after the local node changed
its network identity and a behaviour makes a dialing attempt to a
former identity using the same addresses.
# 0.20.0 [2020-07-01]
- Updated the `libp2p-core` dependency.
- Add `ProtocolsHandler::inject_listen_upgrade_error`, the inbound
analogue of `ProtocolsHandler::inject_dial_upgrade_error`, with an
empty default implementation. No implementation is required to
retain existing behaviour.
- Add `ProtocolsHandler::inject_address_change` and
`NetworkBehaviour::inject_address_change` to notify of a change in
the address of an existing connection.
# 0.19.1 [2020-06-18]
- Bugfix: Fix MultiHandler panicking when empty
([PR 1598](https://github.com/libp2p/rust-libp2p/pull/1598)).