libp2p-tcp 0.27.1

TCP/IP transport protocol for libp2p
# 0.27.1 [2021-02-15]

- Update dependencies.

# 0.27.0 [2021-01-12]

- Add support for port reuse and (re)add transport-specific
  address translation. Thereby use only `async-io` instead of
  `async-std`, renaming the feature accordingly. `async-io`
  is a default feature, with an additional `tokio` feature
  as before.
  [PR 1887]

- Update dependencies.

# 0.26.0 [2020-12-17]

- Update `async-io`.

# 0.25.1 [2020-11-26]

- Lower `async-std` version to `1.6`, for compatibility
  with other libp2p crates.

# 0.25.0 [2020-11-25]

- Update `libp2p-core`.

# 0.24.0 [2020-11-09]

- Update dependencies.

# 0.23.0 [2020-10-16]

- Update `libp2p-core`.

- Replace `get_if_addrs` with `if-addrs`.

# 0.22.0 [2020-09-09]

- Bump `libp2p-core` dependency.

# 0.21.0 [2020-08-18]

- Bump `libp2p-core` dependency.

# 0.20.0 [2020-07-01]

- Updated dependencies.

# 0.19.2 [2020-06-22]

- Updated dependencies.