Expand description
Pure Rust implementation of the secp256k1 curve and fast ECDSA signatures. The secp256k1 curve is used extensively in Bitcoin and Ethereum-alike cryptocurrencies.
- Message
- Hashed message input to an ECDSA signature.
- Public
Key - Public key on a secp256k1 curve.
- Recovery
Id - Tag used for public key recovery from signatures.
- Secret
Key - Secret key (256-bit) on a secp256k1 curve.
- Shared
Secret - Shared secret using ECDH.
- Signature
- An ECDSA signature.
- Error
- Public
KeyFormat - Format for public key parsing.
CONTEXT - A static ECMult context.
GEN_ CONTEXT - A static ECMultGen context.
- recover
- Recover public key from a signed message.
- recover_
with_ context - Recover public key from a signed message, using the given context.
- sign
- Sign a message using the secret key.
- sign_
with_ context - Sign a message using the secret key, with the given context.
- verify
- Check signature is a valid message signed by public key.
- verify_
with_ context - Check signature is a valid message signed by public key, using the given context.