libz-sys 1.0.26

Low-level bindings to the system libz library (also known as zlib).
name = "libz-sys"
version = "1.0.26"
authors = ["Alex Crichton <>", "Josh Triplett <>"]
links = "z"
build = ""
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
repository = ""
documentation = ""
description = """
Low-level bindings to the system libz library (also known as zlib).
categories = ["compression", "external-ffi-bindings"]

members = ["systest"]

# When this feature is disabled, zlib will be built in Z_SOLO mode which
# removes dependency on any external libraries like libc at the cost of
# eliminating some high-level functions like gz*, compress* and
# uncompress, and requiring embedder to provide memory allocation
# routines to deflate and inflate.
libc = { version = "0.2.43", optional = true }

pkg-config = "0.3.9"
cc = "1.0.18"

[target.'cfg(target_env = "msvc")'.build-dependencies]
vcpkg = "0.2"

default = ["libc"]
# Deprecated: the assembly routines are outdated, and either reduce performance
# or cause segfaults.
asm = []
# Enable this feature if you want to have a staticly linked libz
static = []