libz-sys 1.1.22

Low-level bindings to the system libz library (also known as zlib).
# libz-sys

A common library for linking `libz` to Rust programs (also known as zlib).


This also serves as the source for the `libz-ng-sys` crate, which builds
zlib-ng natively (not in zlib-compat mode). See
[``]( for details.

# High-level API

This crate provides bindings to the raw low-level C API. For a higher-level
safe API to work with DEFLATE, zlib, or gzip streams, see
[`flate2`]( `flate2` also supports alternative
implementations, including slower but pure Rust implementations.

# zlib-ng

This crate supports building either the high-performance zlib-ng (in
zlib-compat mode), or the widely available stock zlib.

By default, `libz-sys` uses stock zlib, primarily because doing so allows the
use of a shared system zlib library if available.

Any application or library designed for zlib should work with zlib-ng in
zlib-compat mode, as long as it doesn't make assumptions about the exact size
or output of the deflated data (e.g. "compressing this data produces exactly
this many bytes"), and as long as you don't also dynamically pull in a copy of
stock zlib (which will produce conflicting symbols). Nonetheless, for maximum
compatibility, every library crate in a build must opt into allowing zlib-ng;
if any library crate in your dependency graph wants stock zlib, `libz-sys` will
use stock zlib.

Library crates depending on `libz-sys` should use:

libz-sys = { version = "1.1", default-features = false, features = ["libc"] }

(Omit the `libc` feature if you don't require the corresponding functions.)

This allows higher-level crates depending on your library to opt into zlib-ng
if desired.

Building zlib-ng requires `cmake` unless the
`zlib-ng-no-cmake-experimental-community-maintained` feature is enabled,
in which case `cc` is used instead. Note that this option enables _all_ compiler
features that are supported for the given target, which may not compile on older
compilers or targets without certain headers.

Crates that don't require compatibility with the zlib C API, and use zlib
exclusively from Rust or support the zlib-ng native C API (prefixed with
`zng_`) can use [`libz-ng-sys`]( instead,
which allows zlib and zlib-ng to coexist in the same program. See
[]( for details.

# Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) Policy

This crate uses the same MSRV policy as the
[`flate2`]( crate: This crate supports the
current and previous stable versions of Rust. Older versions of Rust may work,
but we don't guarantee these will continue to work.

# License

This project is licensed under either of

* Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in `libz-sys` by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.