llvm-sys 37.2.0

Bindings to LLVM's C API
extern crate gcc;
#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate regex;
extern crate semver;

use regex::Regex;
use semver::Version;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::io::{self, ErrorKind};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::Command;

    /// LLVM version used by this version of the crate.
    static ref CRATE_VERSION: Version = {
        let crate_version = Version::parse(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))
            .expect("Crate version is somehow not valid semver");
        Version {
            major: crate_version.major / 10,
            minor: crate_version.major % 10,
            .. crate_version

    /// Filesystem path to an llvm-config binary for the correct version.
    static ref LLVM_CONFIG_PATH: PathBuf = {
        // Try llvm-config via PATH first.
        if let Some(name) = locate_system_llvm_config() {
            return name.into();
        } else {
            println!("Didn't find usable system-wide LLVM.");
        // Did the user give us a binary path to use? If yes, try
        // to use that and fail if it doesn't work.
        let binary_prefix_var = format!("LLVM_SYS_{}_PREFIX",
        if let Some(path) = env::var_os(&binary_prefix_var) {
            let mut pb: PathBuf = path.into();

            let ver = llvm_version(&pb)
                .expect(&format!("Failed to execute {:?}", &pb));
            if is_compatible_llvm(&ver) {
                return pb;
            } else {
                panic!("LLVM binaries specified by {} are the wrong version.
                        (Found {}, need {}.)", binary_prefix_var, ver, *CRATE_VERSION);
        } else {
            println!("{} not set, not using precompiled binaries", binary_prefix_var);

        // No binaries. Offer to download and compile a blessed version,
        // but only with positive confirmation. It's a fairly large download,
        // takes a while and could get wiped out by a `cargo clean` so it's
        // useful if doing an install but is in general not recommended.
        let autobuild_var = format!("LLVM_SYS_{}_AUTOBUILD",
        match env::var_os(&autobuild_var) {
            Some(ref x) => {
                if x == "YES" {
                } else {
                    println!("{} must be exactly \"YES\" to enable autobuild (is {:?})",
                             autobuild_var, x);
            None => {
                println!("{} not set, will not automatically compile LLVM",

        panic!("Could not find a compatible version of LLVM");

/// Try to find a system-wide version of llvm-config that is compatible with
/// this crate.
/// Returns None on failure.
fn locate_system_llvm_config() -> Option<&'static str> {
    match llvm_version("llvm-config") {
        Ok(ref version) if is_compatible_llvm(version) => {
            // Compatible version found. Nice.
            return Some("llvm-config");
        Ok(version) => {
            // Version mismatch. Will try further searches, but warn that
            // we're not using the system one.
            println!("Found LLVM version {} on PATH, but need {}.",
                     version, *CRATE_VERSION);
        Err(ref e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => {
            // Looks like we failed to execute any llvm-config. Keep
            // searching.
        // Some other error, probably a weird failure. Give up.
        Err(e) => panic!("Failed to search PATH for llvm-config: {}", e),


/// Check whether the given version of LLVM is blacklisted,
/// returning `Some(reason)` if it is.
fn is_blacklisted_llvm(llvm_version: &Version) -> Option<&'static str> {
    static BLACKLIST: &'static [(u64, u64, u64, &'static str)] = &[
        (3, 7, 0, "Breaks ABI for LLVMBuildLandingPad"),

    let blacklist_var = format!("LLVM_SYS_{}_IGNORE_BLACKLIST",
    if let Some(x) = env::var_os(&blacklist_var) {
        if &x == "YES" {
            println!("cargo:warning=Ignoring blacklist entry for LLVM {}", llvm_version);
            return None;
        } else {
            println!("cargo:warning={} is set but not exactly \"YES\"; blacklist is still honored.",

    for &(major, minor, patch, reason) in BLACKLIST.iter() {
        let bad_version = Version {
            major: major, minor: minor, patch: patch,
            pre: vec![], build: vec![],

        if &bad_version == llvm_version {
            return Some(reason);
/// Check whether the given LLVM version is compatible with this version of
/// the crate.
fn is_compatible_llvm(llvm_version: &Version) -> bool {
    if let Some(reason) = is_blacklisted_llvm(llvm_version) {
        println!("Found LLVM {}, which is blacklisted: {}", llvm_version, reason);
        return false;

    let strict = env::var_os(format!("LLVM_SYS_{}_STRICT_VERSIONING",
        || cfg!(feature="strict-versioning");
    if strict {
        llvm_version.major == CRATE_VERSION.major &&
            llvm_version.minor == CRATE_VERSION.minor
    } else {
        llvm_version.major >= CRATE_VERSION.major ||
            (llvm_version.major == CRATE_VERSION.major &&
             llvm_version.minor >= CRATE_VERSION.minor)

/// Get the output from running `llvm-config` with the given argument.
/// Lazily searches for or compiles LLVM as configured by the environment
/// variables.
fn llvm_config(arg: &str) -> String {
    llvm_config_ex(&*LLVM_CONFIG_PATH, arg)
        .expect("Surprising failure from llvm-config")

/// Invoke the specified binary as llvm-config.
/// Explicit version of the `llvm_config` function that bubbles errors
/// up.
fn llvm_config_ex<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(binary: S, arg: &str)
        -> io::Result<String> {
        .map(|output| String::from_utf8(output.stdout)
            .expect("Output from llvm-config was not valid UTF-8"))

/// Get the LLVM version using llvm-config.
fn llvm_version<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(binary: S) -> io::Result<Version> {
    let version_str = try!(llvm_config_ex(binary.as_ref(), "--version"));

    // LLVM isn't really semver and uses version suffixes to build
    // version strings like '3.8.0svn', so limit what we try to parse
    // to only the numeric bits.
    let re = Regex::new(r"^(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<patch>\d+)")
    let (start, end) = re.find(&version_str)
        .expect("Could not determine LLVM version from llvm-config.");


fn get_llvm_cflags() -> String {
    let output = llvm_config("--cflags");

    // llvm-config includes cflags from its own compilation with --cflags that
    // may not be relevant to us. In particularly annoying cases, these might
    // include flags that aren't understood by the default compiler we're
    // using. Unless requested otherwise, clean CFLAGS of options that are
    // known to be possibly-harmful.
    let no_clean = env::var_os(format!("LLVM_SYS_{}_NO_CLEAN_CFLAGS",
    if no_clean || cfg!(target_env = "msvc") {
        // MSVC doesn't accept -W... options, so don't try to strip them and
        // possibly strip something that should be retained. Also do nothing if
        // the user requests it.
        return output;

    llvm_config("--cflags").split(&[' ', '\n'][..])
        .filter(|word| !word.starts_with("-W"))
        .join(" ")

fn main() {
    if cfg!(feature = "no-llvm-linking") {

    // Parse library linking flags from llvm-config.
    for arg in llvm_config("--ldflags").split_whitespace() {
        if arg.starts_with("-L") {
            println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", &arg[2..]);

    for arg in llvm_config("--libs").split_whitespace() {
        if arg.starts_with("-l") {
            println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", &arg[2..]);

    for arg in llvm_config("--system-libs").split_whitespace() {
        if arg.starts_with("-l") {
            println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib={}", &arg[2..]);

    // This breaks the link step on Windows with MSVC.
    if !cfg!(windows) {
        // Determine which C++ standard library to use: LLVM's or GCC's.
        let cxxflags = llvm_config("--cxxflags");
        let libcpp = if cfg!(target_os = "macos") {
            "c++"   // Always LLVM on mac
        } else {
            if cxxflags.contains("stdlib=libc++") {
                "c++"       // LLVM
            } else {
                "stdc++"    // GCC
        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", libcpp);

    // Link libffi if the user requested this workaround.
    // See https://bitbucket.org/tari/llvm-sys.rs/issues/12/
    let force_ffi = env::var_os(format!("LLVM_SYS_{}_FFI_WORKAROUND",
    if force_ffi {
        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib={}", "ffi");

    // Build the extra wrapper functions.
    std::env::set_var("CFLAGS", get_llvm_cflags());
    gcc::compile_library("libtargetwrappers.a", &["wrappers/target.c"]);