lmdb-rkv-0.13.0 has been yanked.
Idiomatic and safe APIs for interacting with the Symas Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB).
This repo is a fork of danburkert/lmdb-rs with fixes for issues encountered by mozilla/rkv.
Building from Source
Publishing to crates.io
To publish the lmdb-rkv-sys crate to crates.io:
# Update the version string in lmdb-sys/Cargo.toml and lmdb-sys/src/lib.rs.
To publish the lmdb-rkv crate to crates.io:
# Update the version string in Cargo.toml and src/lib.rs and temporarily change
# the lmdb-rkv-sys dependency in Cargo.toml to the latest version on crates.io.
# Change the lmdb-rkv-sys dependency in Cargo.toml back to a path dependency
# on the ./lmdb-sys directory.
- lmdb-sys.
- Cursors.
- Zero-copy put API.
- Nested transactions.
- Database statistics.