locale_config 0.3.0

Maintains locale preferences for process and thread and initialises them by inspecting the system for user preference.
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# `locale_config`

Remembers locale configuration per-thread and per-process and initializes the
values by inspecting the system for user preferences.

## Installation

You can depend on this library by adding `locale_config` to your Cargo dependencies:

locale_config = "*"

Usually it is not recommended to depend on `*`, but in this case it is
important that incompatible version requirements don't cause multiple
versions to be pulled in the final binary, so I do recommend it here and
promise I will maintain good compatibility. Just please don't add traits to
the types defined here to avoid conflicts with potential future methods.

## Using

Usually you want to use this indirectly via a localization crate like
`locale`. However if you need to work with the identifier itself, or you need
to override it, use


to find what you should be using at any given point in the application,


to override it for current thread and


to override it for new threads.

In case you need to access the initial value, you'll find it under


The value may contain language tags specific for various localization
aspects, called categories, and fallbacks. The `Locale::tags_for` method will
take care of selecting relevant tags for you. For preferred language of
translations, use


For formatting, use categories `"numeric"` for numbers, `"time"` for date and
time and `"monetary"` for money amounts. And use `"collate"` for collation.

Note that this crate does not itself provide any translation, formatting nor
collation functionality. Formatting and collation will be provided by
`locale` crate, translation has multiple available implementations.

See full documentation on [![Docs.rs](https://docs.rs/locale_config/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/locale_config/) or [github](https://rust-locale.github.io/locale_config/locale_config/).

## Supported systems

* **Unix:** Using the POSIX standard environment variables `LANG`, `LC_*` and
  `LANGUAGES`. The variables are recognized on all systems and take
  precedence on most of them.

* **Windows:** Vista and newer

    - Uses API available from Vista and Server 2008 only.
    - The `GetUserPreferredUILanguages` is only available for desktop, but
      not store applications. Store applications should have equivalent
      functionality, but I didn't try accessing it from Rust yet.
    - Customization to individual locale elements done in “Regional and
      Language options” (digits, calendar, decimal and thousand separator
      etc.) are not detected (yet).
    - Not well tested.

* **OS X:** Reads setting from `NSLocale`, can be overridden by setting the
  Unix environment variables.

* **CGI:** The `HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE` environment variable is used if
  detected. Hopefully it is specific enough to the CGI environment that it
  can be used whenever detected.

## Changelog

### 0.3.0

 * Support OS X `NSLocale`.
   Thanks Sophie Tauchert (@999eagle).

### 0.2.3

* Try support getting locale in emscripten targets in browser. Unfortunately
  the emscripten targets seem to have broken in cross meanwhile, so they are not
  being tested.
* Update to winapi 0.3.
* Update ro regex 1.0.

### 0.2.2

* Update dependencies: regex 0.2.

### 0.2.1

* Interpret some overrides that can be set on Windows in Region and Language
  dialog, namely: group, decimal and list separators, first day of week,
  12/24-hour time, measurement system, (decimal) number system, to an extent
  negative monetary value format (only whether to use parenthesized format
  or not) and to an extent date format (if ISO-8601 variant is selected).

### 0.2.0

* Changed error handling to proper error type.

### 0.1.1

* Added basic Windows support.

### 0.1.0

* Initial version, with Unix and CGI support.