louds-rs 0.7.0

High performance LOUDS (Level-Order Unary Degree Sequence) library
# louds-rs

High performance LOUDS (Level-Order Unary Degree Sequence) library.

[Master API Docs](https://laysakura.github.io/louds-rs/louds_rs/)
[Released API Docs](https://docs.rs/crate/louds-rs)
[Benchmark Results](https://laysakura.github.io/louds-rs/criterion/report/)

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## Quickstart

To use louds-rs, add the following to your `Cargo.toml` file:

louds-rs = "0.1"  # NOTE: Replace to latest minor version.

### Usage Overview
Say we want to hold the following tree structure in minimum length of bits.

 |   |   |
(2) (3) (4)
 |       |
 |       |---+-----+
 |       |   |     |
(5)     (6) (7)   (8)
             |     |
             |     |----+
             |     |    |
            (9)   (10) (11)

This tree has NodeNum (node number of 1-origin, assigned from left node to right & top to bottom) and edges.
With LOUDS, this tree is represented as the following LBS (LOUDS Bit String).

NodeNum       | 0 (virtual root) | 1          | 2    | 3 | 4          | 5 | 6 | 7    | 8       | 9 | 10 | 11 |
LBS           | 1  0             | 1  1  1  0 | 1  0 | 0 | 1  1  1  0 | 0 | 0 | 1  0 | 1  1  0 | 0 | 0  | 0  |
Child NodeNum | 1  -             | 2  3  4  - | 5  - | - | 6  7  8  - | - | - | 9  - | 10 11 - | - | -  | -  |
Index         | 0  1             | 2  3  4  5 | 6  7 | 8 | 9  10 11 12| 13| 14| 15 16| 17 18 19| 20| 21 | 22 |

The same tree is represented as follows using index.

 |   |   |
<2> <3> <4>
 |       |
 |       |---+-----+
 |       |   |     |
<6>     <9> <10>  <11>
             |     |
             |     |----+
             |     |    |
            <15>  <17> <18>

Then, create this tree structure with `Louds` and call operations to it.

use louds_rs::{Louds, LoudsIndex, LoudsNodeNum};

// Construct from LBS.
let s = "10_1110_10_0_1110_0_0_10_110_0_0_0";
let louds = Louds::from(s);

// LoudsNodeNum <-> LoudsIndex
let node8 = LoudsNodeNum(8);
let index11 = louds.node_num_to_index(node8);
assert_eq!(louds.index_to_node_num(index11), node8);

// Search for children.
assert_eq!(louds.parent_to_children(node8), vec!(LoudsIndex(17), LoudsIndex(18)));

// Search for parent.
assert_eq!(louds.child_to_parent(index11), LoudsNodeNum(4));

### Constructors

use louds_rs::Louds;

// Most human-friendly way: Louds::from::<&str>()
let louds1 = Louds::from("10_1110_10_0_1110_0_0_10_110_0_0_0");

// Simple way: Louds::from::<&[bool]>()
let mut arr = vec![
    true, false,
    true, true, true, false,
    true, false,
    true, true, true, false,
    true, false,
    true, true, false,
let louds2 = Louds::from(&arr[..]);

## Features
- **Arbitrary length support with minimum working memory**: louds-rs provides virtually _arbitrary size_ of LOUDS. It is carefully designed to use as small memory space as possible.
- **Based on [fid-rs]https://crates.io/crates/fid-rs**, which is fast, parallelized, and memory efficient. It provides fast construction (`Louds::from()`).
- **Latest benchmark results are always accessible**: louds-rs is continuously benchmarked in Travis CI using [Criterion.rs]https://crates.io/crates/criterion. Graphical benchmark results are published [here]https://laysakura.github.io/louds-rs/criterion/report/.

### Complexity
When the number of nodes in the tree represented as LOUDS is _N_:

| Operation | Time-complexity | Space-complexity |
| [`Louds::from::<&str>()`]https://laysakura.github.io/louds-rs/louds_rs/louds/struct.Louds.html#implementations | _O(N)_ | _N + o(N)_ |
| [`Louds::from::<&[bool]>()`]https://laysakura.github.io/louds-rs/louds_rs/louds/struct.Louds.html#implementations | _O(N)_ | _N + o(N)_ |
| [`node_num_to_index()`]https://laysakura.github.io/louds-rs/louds_rs/louds/struct.Louds.html#method.node_num_to_index | _O()_ | _N + o(N)_ |
| [`index_to_node_num()`]https://laysakura.github.io/louds-rs/louds_rs/louds/struct.Louds.html#method.index_to_node_num | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ |
| [`child_to_parent()`]https://laysakura.github.io/louds-rs/louds_rs/louds/struct.Louds.html#method.child_to_parent | _O(1)_ | _O(1)_ |
| [`parent_to_children()`]https://laysakura.github.io/louds-rs/louds_rs/louds/struct.Louds.html#method.parent_to_children | _O( max(log N, <u>max num of children a node has</u>) )_ | _O( max(log N, <u>max num of children a node has</u>) )_ |
| [`parent_to_children_indices()`]https://laysakura.github.io/louds-rs/louds_rs/louds/struct.Louds.html#method.parent_to_children | _O(1)_ | _O( 1 )_ |
| [`parent_to_children_indices().next()`]https://laysakura.github.io/louds-rs/louds_rs/louds/struct.Louds.html#method.parent_to_children | _O(log N)_ at first then _O(1)_ | _O( 0 )_ |
| [`parent_to_children_indices().next_back()`]https://laysakura.github.io/louds-rs/louds_rs/louds/struct.Louds.html#method.parent_to_children | _O(log N)_ at first then _O(1)_ | _O( 0 )_ |

(`node_num_to_index()` and `child_to_parent()` use [Fid::select()](https://laysakura.github.io/fid-rs/fid_rs/fid/struct.Fid.html#method.select). `index_to_node_num()` and `parent_to_children()` use [rank()](https://laysakura.github.io/fid-rs/fid_rs/fid/struct.Fid.html#method.rank)). `parent_to_children_nodes()` has the same time complexity as `parent_to_children_indices()`.

## Versions
louds-rs uses [semantic versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).

Since current major version is _0_, minor version update might involve breaking public API change (although it is carefully avoided).

## Rust Version Supports

louds-rs is continuously tested with these Rust versions in Travis CI:

- 1.33.0
- Latest stable version

So it expectedly works with Rust 1.33.0 and any newer versions.

Older versions may also work, but are not tested or guaranteed.

## Contributing

Any kind of pull requests are appreciated.

### Guidelines

- `README.md` is generated from `$ cargo readme` command. Do not manually update `README.md` but edit `src/lib.rs` and then `$ cargo readme > README.md`.
- Travis CI automatically does the following commit & push to your pull-requests:
    - `$ cargo readme > README.md`
    - `$ cargo fmt --all`

## License

MIT OR Apache-2.0