# Lyon
GPU-based 2D graphics rendering experiments in rust.
<img src="assets/screenshot.png" width=500 height=500 alt="Screenshot of the Rust logo (svg) tessellated">
# Goals
For now the goal is to provide efficient SVG-compliant path tessellation tools to help with rendering vector graphics on the GPU. If things go well the project could eventually grow into including a (partial) SVG renderer in a separate crate, but for now think of this library as a way to turn complex paths into triangles for use in your own rendering engine.
The intent is for this library to be useful in projects like [Servo](https://servo.org/).
The project is split into small crates:
* lyon: A meta-crate that imports the other crates.
* lyon_core: Contains types common to most lyon crates.
* lyon_tessellator: The tessellation routines (where most of the focus is for now).
* lyon_path: A simple vector path data structure provided for convenience, but not required by the other crates.
* lyon_path_iterator: A set of iterator abstractions over vector paths.
* lyon_path_builder: Tools to build paths.
* lyon_bezier: 2d quadratic and cubic bezier curve maths, including an efficient flattening algorithm.
* lyon_extra: various optional utilities.
## Status
The focus right now is on implementing a SVG compliant path tessellator (rather than an actual SVG render).
- path
- [x] bezier curves (through path flattening)
- [x] SVG 1.1
- [x] builder API
- [x] iterator API
- complex fill
- [x] fill shape types
- [x] concave shapes
- [x] self-intersections
- [x] holes
- [ ] fill rule
- [x] even-odd
- [ ] non-zero
- [ ] vertex-aa
- [ ] clip rect
- [ ] stable API
- complex stroke
- [ ] line cap
- [x] butt
- [x] square
- [ ] round
- [ ] line join
- [ ] miter
- [ ] miter clip
- [ ] round
- [ ] bevel
- [ ] arcs
- [ ] vertex-aa
- [ ] clip rect
- [ ] stable API
- basic shapes
- [ ] quad
- [x] fill
- [ ] stroke
- [ ] rectangle
- [x] fill
- [ ] stroke
- [ ] rounded rectangle
- [ ] fill
- [ ] stroke
- [x] ellipsis
- [x] fill
- [ ] stroke
- [ ] convex polygon
- [ ] fill
- [ ] stroke
- [ ] nine-patch
- path flattening
- [x] builder
- [x] iterator
- testing
- [x] fill
- [x] test suite
- [x] automatic test-case reduction
- [ ] reference testing
- [ ] fuzzing
- [ ] stroke
- [ ] basic shapes
There are the unticked items above as well as a [rough list of things to do](https://github.com/nical/lyon/wiki/TODO). If you are interested in [contributing](https://github.com/nical/lyon/wiki/Contribute), please let me know on twitter ([@nicalsilva](https://twitter.com/nicalsilva)) or by e-mail.
## License
Licensed under either of
* Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
* MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
### Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.