# madsim-rdkafka
The `rdkafka` simulator on madsim. Mirrors [rdkafka v0.34.0](https://docs.rs/rdkafka/0.34.0/rdkafka/index.html) and librdkafka 2.3.0.
## Usage
Replace all `rdkafka` entries in your Cargo.toml:
rdkafka = { version = "0.4", package = "madsim-rdkafka" }
## API Modification
This crate roughly follows the rdkafka API but is NOT exactly the same.
The following functions are modified to be `async`:
- `FromClientConfig::from_config`
- `FromClientConfigAndContext::from_config_and_context`
- `ClientConfig::create`
- `ClientConfig::create_with_context`
- `Client::fetch_metadata`
- `Client::fetch_watermarks`
- `Client::fetch_group_list`
- `Consumer::seek`
- `Consumer::seek_partitions`
- `Consumer::commit`
- `Consumer::commit_consumer_state`
- `Consumer::commit_message`
- `Consumer::committed`
- `Consumer::committed_offsets`
- `Consumer::offsets_for_timestamp`
- `Consumer::offsets_for_times`
- `Consumer::fetch_metadata`
- `Consumer::fetch_watermarks`
- `Consumer::fetch_group_list`
- `Producer::flush`
- `Producer::init_transactions`
- `Producer::send_offsets_to_transaction`
- `Producer::commit_transaction`
- `Producer::abort_transaction`
The associated constant `ClientContext::ENABLE_REFRESH_OAUTH_TOKEN` is changed to a function in order to make the trait object-safe.
## DNS Resolution
This crate has cherry-picked [a commit] from Materialize to support rewriting broker addresses.
[a commit]: https://github.com/MaterializeInc/rust-rdkafka/commit/8ea07c4d2b96636ff093e670bc921892aee0d56a
A new method is added to `ClientContext`:
- `ClientContext::rewrite_broker_addr`