Mashup: a working stable concat\_idents
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***Note: if you are targeting 1.30+, you may want the [`paste`] crate instead
which has an easier interface.***
The nightly-only [`concat_idents!`] macro in the Rust standard library is
notoriously underpowered in that its concatenated identifiers can only refer to
existing items, they can never be used to define something new.
This crate provides a more flexible spin on concatenating idents.
mashup = "0.1"
Mashup works with any Rust compiler version 1.15+.
## So tell me about concatenating idents
This crate provides a `mashup!` macro-generating macro. You provide mashup a
mapping of arbitrary key tokens to idents that you want concatenated together,
and mashup defines for you a substitution macro that substitutes your key tokens
with the single concatenated ident corresponding to each one.
extern crate mashup;
// Use mashup to generate a substitution macro called m. The substitution macro
// will replace all occurrences of the key token "method" in its input with the
// single concatenated identifier abc.
mashup! {
m["method"] = a b c;
struct Struct;
m! {
impl Struct {
fn "method"() {}
fn main() {
// Our struct now has an abc method.
## Glossary
- **Substitution macro:** A macro produced by the `mashup!` macro. The input to
`mashup!` provides a name for one or more substitution macros to be defined.
The substitution macro in the short example above is called `m!`.
- **Key tokens:** Arbitrary tokens that are to be replaced by a single
concatenated ident anywhere in the input of a substitution macro. The token
`"method"` is used as a key token above.
- **Ident pieces:** Idents that are concatenated together to form a single
concatenated ident in the final macro-expanded code. The `a` `b` `c` are ident
pieces that come together to form the `abc` method name.
## More elaborate example
This example demonstrates some trickier uses of mashup.
- You may need to bundle a `mashup!` invocation inside of a more convenient
user-facing macro of your own.
- The `mashup!` invocation may define multiple substitutions, including via the
`$(...)*` repetition available in macro\_rules.
- Key tokens may consist of more than one token.
- Substitution macros work equally well in item position and expression
extern crate mashup;
const ROCKET_A: &str = "/a";
const ROCKET_B: &str = "/b";
macro_rules! routes {
($($route:ident),*) => {{
mashup! {
m["rocket-codegen-route" $route] = ROCKET_ $route;
m! {
vec![$("rocket-codegen-route" $route),*]
fn main() {
let routes = routes!(A, B);
assert_eq!(routes, vec!["/a", "/b"]);
## Attributes
Attributes for the substitution macro, including doc comments, may be provided
inside of the mashup invocation.
mashup! {
/// Needs better documentation.
m1["w"] = W w;
m1["x"] = X x;
m2["y"] = Y y;
m2["z"] = Z z;
## Limitations
- The `mashup!` macro may be invoked *at most once* within a lexical scope. To
provide a way around this, you may use a single mashup invocation to define
more than one substitution macro by using as many different substitution macro
names within one invocation as you want ([#5]).
- As a consequence of hygiene, a concatenated identifier may not be used to
refer to a captured local variable ([#6]).
#### License
Licensed under either of <a href="LICENSE-APACHE">Apache License, Version
2.0</a> or <a href="LICENSE-MIT">MIT license</a> at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.