measureme 0.7.0

Support crate for rustc's self-profiling feature

This crate provides a library for high-performance event tracing which is used by the Rust compiler's unstable -Z self-profile feature.

The output of a tracing session will be three files:

  1. A .events file which contains all of the traced events.
  2. A .string_data file which contains all the strings referenced by events.
  3. A .string_index file which maps StringId values to offsets into the .string_data file.

Writing event trace files

The main entry point for writing event trace files is the Profiler struct.

To create a Profiler, call the Profiler::new() function and provide a Path with the directory and file name for the trace files.

To record an event, call the [Profiler::record_instant_event()] method, passing a few arguments:

  • event_kind: a StringId which assigns an arbitrary category to the event
  • event_id: a StringId which specifies the name of the event
  • thread_id: a u32 id of the thread which is recording this event

Alternatively, events can also be recorded via the Profiler::start_recording_interval_event() method. This method records a "start" event and returns a TimingGuard object that will automatically record the corresponding "end" event when it is dropped.

To create a StringId, call one of the string allocation methods: