Mech Project Roadmap
1. Project Status
(a) Stage 1 - Alpha v0.0.1 - v0.0.6
Conception: started 2014
Implementation: started 2018
(b) Stage 2 - Beta v0.1.0 - v0.4+ (???)
Started: December 2022
Currently: v0.2.25 (2024)
- v0.2 (data specification) (Wrapping Up)
- v0.3 (program specification) (Starting in 2025)
- v0.4 (system specification)
(c) Stage 3 - Stable v1.0.0
Target release date: ???
2. Feature Status
o - concept
p - proof of concept implementation
a - alpha implementation
b - beta implementation
c - feature complete
a) Data Specification
- variety of numerical datatypes
- imaginary and scientific numbers
- flexible matrix type with fixed and dynamic sizes for homogeneous data
- typed tables for heterogeneous data
- sets
- maps
- enums
- bools
- strings
- atoms
- variable slicing
- operator broadcasting
- builtin linear algebra tools
- logical indexing
- matrix builder notation
- variable type and size checking
- variable type inference
- standard library functions
b) Program Specification
- physical units with dimension checking
- state machines
- user functions
- automatic differentiation
- introspection
- tests
- profiler
- file/parameter server
- repl
- gui
- executables
- time travel debugging
- literate programming
- live coding
- multiple dynamic dispatch
- language server
c) System specification
- capability permissions
- gpgpu
- distributed programs
- concurrent programming
3. Nearterm Goals
Version 0.3.0 (Spring 2025) ---------------------------------------------------
- [ ] Dec64
- [ ] Currency
- [ ] Autograd syntax
- [ ] History syntax
- [ ] Imaginary Numbers
- [ ] Database redo
- [ ] ACID
- [ ] Persistence
- [ ] Time travel debugging
- [ ] Capabilities
- [ ] Distributed runtime redo
- [ ] Core syntax
- [ ] CAP
- [ ] QOS
- [ ] Inbox
- [ ] Capabilities
- [ ] Machines revamp
- [ ] Packaging
- [ ] Reuse
- [ ] Composition
- [ ] Explicit importing
- [ ] Remapping
- [ ] Specifying versions
- [ ] Editor
- [ ] Start and stop cores
- [ ] Save and load programs
- [ ] Workspace explorer
- [ ] API endpoint server
- [ ] Syntax highlighting
- [ ] Embed programs
- [ ] Display errors
- [ ] Machines
- [ ] json
- [ ] sockets
- [ ] serial
- [ ] bluetooth
- [ ] audio
- [ ] maps
- [ ] plot
- [ ] gpgpu
- State machines
- [ ] Specification
- [ ] Definition
- [ ] Split
- [ ] Flatten
- [ ] Solve linear system
- [ ] FSM Pipe
- [ ] Tutorials
- [ ] How-Tos
- [ ] Mech for X
Version 0.2.0 (Fall 2024) ----------------------------------------------------
Current work is focused on reimplementing the core of the Mech language to
reorient programs around state machines. Version 0.2 will be focused on data
specification - entering data into the system, slicing, remixing, and
reshaping it for use in program logic.
- [x] Monorepo
- New Literals
- [x] Enums
- [x] Atoms
- [x] Specifying units
- [x] Scientific notation
- Table redo
- [x] Different kinds: Table, Matrix, Record, Set, Tuple
- [x] Simplify indexing
- [x] HashTable/HashSet support
- Stdlib Redo
- [x] Math
- [x] Compare
- [x] Logic
- [x] Range
- [x] Access
- [x] Convert
- Parser Redo
- [x] Mechdown
- [x] Statements
- [x] Expressions
- [x] Structures
- [ ] Formatter
- Mechdown Redo
- [x] Headers
- [x] Paragraphs
- [ ] Code Block
- [ ] Ordered List
- [ ] Block Quote
- [ ] Thematic Break
- [ ] Image
- [ ] Link
- Function Redo
- [x] FXN Call
- [x] FXN Defintiion
- Expression
- [x] Var
- [x] Range
- [x] Slice
- [x] Forumula
- [x] Struct
- [x] Literal
- [x] Function call
- Statement
- [x] VarDefine
- [x] VarAssign
- [x] Kind Define
- [x] Enum Define
- Matrix
- [x] Multiply
- [x] Transpose
- [ ] Cross
- [ ] Dot
- Docs
- [ ] Language Spec
- [x] Learn Mech in 15 Minutes
- Website
- [ ] Homepage
- [ ] Blog
- [ ] Docs
- [ ] Try
3. Project History
Version 0.1.1 (Spring 2023) ---------------------------------------------------
- Core
- [x] Automatic differentiation
- [x] Capability system
- [x] New parser
- Language Server
- [x] Syntax Highlighter
- [x] Autocomplete
- [x] Goto Definition
- [x] Goto Docs
- [x] Hover inspector
- [x] Workspace support
- [x] Database watcher
- Editor
- [x] Compile programs
- [x] Database Explorer
- Docs
- Mech platform references
- [x] User Guide
- [x] Ecosystem
- [x] Architecture
- Machines
- [x] More gui
- [x] ai
Version 0.1.0 (December 2022) -------------------------------------------------
- [x] User defined functions
- [x] Errors
- [x] Distribution
- [x] Paralell operators
- [x] Async blocks
- [x] Units
- [x] Type checking
- [x] Multiple dispatch
- [x] JIT Block Compiler
- [x] Native executables
- [x] REPL
- Machines
- [x] Matrix
- [x] GUI
Version 0.0.6 Alpha (unreleased) ----------------------------------------------
- [x] Testing
- Machines
- [x] Mouse
- [x] Keyboard
- [x] Canvas Drawing
- [x] File I/O
- [x] Standard Streams
- [x] Strings
- [x] Number Literals
- [x] HTTP
- [x] Math
- [x] Stats
- [x] Random
- [x] Time
- [x] Set
- System
- [x] Input Arguments
- [x] Exit
- [x] Mech Compiler
- [x] Table