mempool 0.3.1

A fast thread safe memory pool for reusing allocations.
This crate provides a fast thread safe memory pool for reusing allocations. It
aggressively optimizes for the single-threaded use case, but gracefully
supports access from multiple threads simultaneously. In particular, values in
a pool may not be shared across threads.

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Dual-licensed under MIT or the [UNLICENSE](

### Documentation


### Usage

To use this crate, add `mempool` as a dependency to your project's

mempool = "0.3"

### Benchmarks

This crate currently uses the `mempool_get_put_tls` approach.

test bench::crossbeam_ms_get_put      ... bench:         105 ns/iter (+/- 4)
test bench::crossbeam_seg_get_put     ... bench:          87 ns/iter (+/- 25)
test bench::crossbeam_treiber_get_put ... bench:          93 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test bench::mempool_get_put_tls       ... bench:           1 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test bench::mpmc_get_put              ... bench:          30 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test bench::mutex_get_put             ... bench:          46 ns/iter (+/- 0)

### Motivation

I needed a very fast way to reuse allocations across multiple threads,
potentially optimizing single threaded use over multithreaded use.

### Future work

The current implementation is very fast for single threaded use, but probably
slower than it needs to be for multithreaded use.