metatron 1.0.0

Metatron library
# Metatron


**Metatron library: Implementation in Rust of a report generation based on [Shiva library](**

## Supported report types

- Plain text
- Markdown

# Usage

metatron = "1.0.0"

fn main() {
    let template = std::fs::read_to_string("report-template.kdl").unwrap();
    let data = std::fs::read_to_string("report-data.json").unwrap();
    let images = HashMap::new();
    let doc = Report::generate(&template, &data, &images).unwrap();
    let result = shiva::pdf::Transformer::generate(&doc).unwrap();

## How it works

### report-template.kdl

template {
    title {
        image src="data/logo.png" width=100 height=100
        header level=1 "$P{company_name} Employee Report"
    page_header {
        text size=7 "Confidential information"
    column_header {
        column name="Name" width=30
        column name="Age" width=10
        column name="Salary" width=20
    row {
        value "$F(name)"
        value "$F(age)"
        value "$F(salary)"
    column_footer {
        value "Average:"
        value "$P{average_age}"
        value "$P{average_salary}"
    page_footer {
        text size=7 "Tel: +1 123 456 789"
    summary {
        paragraph {
            text size=10 "Company address: $P{company_address}"

### report-data.json

   "rows": [
       "name": "John",
       "age": 25,
       "salary": 50000
       "name": "Jane",
       "age": 30,
       "salary": 60000
       "name": "Jim",
       "age": 35,
       "salary": 70000
   "params": {
     "company_name": "ABCDFG Ltd",
     "company_address": "1234 Elm St, Springfield, IL 62701",
     "average_age": 30,
     "average_salary": 60000


### Generated report


## Contributing

I would love to see contributions from the community. If you experience bugs, feel free to open an issue. If you would like to implement a new feature or bug fix, please follow the steps:
1. Read "[Contributor License Agreement (CLA)]"
2. Contact with me via telegram @ievkz or discord @igumnovnsk
3. Confirm e-mail invitation in repository
4. Do "git clone"
5. Create branch with your assigned issue
6. Create pull request to main branch