# minetest-worldmapper
[![Dependency Status](https://deps.rs/crate/minetest-worldmapper/0.3.4/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/crate/minetest-worldmapper/0.3.4)
A multi-threaded mapper for Minetest with node transparency support.
It generates a view of the world from above, rendering one pixel per voxel.
This project is currently tested on Linux only. If you have Windows and it doesn't work, please file a [bug report](https://github.com/UgnilJoZ/minetest-worldmapper/issues). But if you have another OS and it does not work, please report also a bug.
## [Example picture](https://github.com/UgnilJoZ/minetest-worldmapper/wiki/Images)
![Zoomed map](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7910828/213939971-6e568b96-6ae3-4ea3-8176-1a4b93655265.png)
![Example map](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7910828/213940057-c38e87b1-f44f-47d7-891e-62ea715ab226.png)
## Usage
First, compile the project with cargo:
cargo build --release
### Command-line arguments
Then, call the executable `target/release/minetest-worldmapper` with the three required arguments:
| --world | -w | The directory of the world to render. |
| --config | -c | The config file. The format should follow the [config format][1]. |
| --output | -o | The image file which the map should be rendered to. |
### Logging
Via the [`RUST_LOG`](https://docs.rs/env_logger/latest/env_logger/#enabling-logging) environment variable, you can choose one out of the log levels `trace`, `debug`, `info`, `warn`, and `error`. The default is `error`.
### Example usage
minetest-worldmapper --world TestWorld/ --config config.example.toml --output map.png
### Example usage with logging
RUST_LOG=debug minetest-worldmapper --world TestWorld/ --config config.example.toml --output map.png
### Config file
If a voxel is rendered and its color are entirely determined by the config file, which is based on TOML.
An [example config file][2] is part of this repo. Its main purpose is to map the voxel content to colors.
| `sufficient_alpha` | [Integer][3] | (optional, defaults to `230`) When determining a pixel's color, stop going through transparent nodes when reaching this opacity value. Between 0 and 255. |
| `background_color` | [String][4] | Hex color string; either in the format "rrggbb" (full opacity) or "rrggbbaa" (color with alpha value). Serves as a fallback color if all voxels for a given pixel are exhausted and there is transparency left. |
| `hillshading.enabled` | [Boolean][3] | (optional, defaults to `true`) Enables terrain relief visualisation. |
| `hillshading.min_alpha` | [Integer][6] | (optional, defaults to `128`) At which alpha value a node counts as "terrain" |
| `node_colors` | [Table][5] | Maps node [itemstrings][7] to color strings (which have the same format as `background_color`). Every node not listed here is treated like air. |
#### Minimal config example
background_color = "888888"
"default:water_source" = "00228888"
## Current limitations
* LevelDB is not supported as backend.
* Only map chunks with map format version 29 (the current) are supported.
## Reading Minetest worlds with Rust
The crate [minetestworld](https://github.com/UgnilJoZ/rust-minetestworld/) is the basis for this renderer.
[1]: #config-file
[2]: https://github.com/UgnilJoZ/minetest-worldmapper/blob/main/config.example.toml
[3]: https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0#integer
[4]: https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0#string
[5]: https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0#table
[6]: https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0#boolean
[7]: https://wiki.minetest.net/Itemstrings