# minify-js
Extremely fast JavaScript minifier, written in Rust.
## Goals
- Fully written in Rust for maximum compatibility with Rust programs and derivatives (FFI, WASM, embedded, etc.).
- Maximises performance on a single CPU core for simple efficient scaling and easy compatible integration.
- Minification of individual inputs/files only; no bundling or transforming.
- Prefer minimal complexity and faster performance over maximum configurability and minimal extra compression.
## Performance
Comparison with esbuild, run on [common libraries](./bench).
<img width="400" alt="Chart showing speed of JS minifiers" src="https://static.wilsonl.in/minify-js/bench/0.6.0/total-times.svg"><img width="400" alt="Chart showing compression of JS minifiers" src="https://static.wilsonl.in/minify-js/bench/0.6.0/average-sizes.svg">
## Features
- Fast parsing powered by SIMD instructions and lookup tables.
- Data is backed by a fast reusable bump allocation arena.
- Supports JSX.
- Analyses scopes and variable visibilities.
- Minifies identifiers.
- Omits semicolons, spaces, parentheses, and braces where possible.
- Transforms functions to arrow functions when `new`, `this`, `arguments`, and `prototype` aren't used.
- Transforms `if` statements to expressions.
## Usage
### CLI
Precompiled binaries are available for Linux, macOS, and Windows.
[Linux x64](https://static.wilsonl.in/minify-js/cli/0.6.0/linux-x86_64/minify-js) |
[macOS x64](https://static.wilsonl.in/minify-js/cli/0.6.0/macos-x86_64/minify-js) |
[Windows x64](https://static.wilsonl.in/minify-js/cli/0.6.0/windows-x86_64/minify-js.exe)
Use the `--help` argument for more details.
minify-js --output /path/to/output.min.js /path/to/src.js
### Rust
Add the dependency:
minify-js = "0.6.0"
Call the method:
use minify_js::{Session, TopLevelMode, minify};
let mut code: &[u8] = b"const main = () => { let my_first_variable = 1; };";
let session = Session::new();
let mut out = Vec::new();
minify(&session, TopLevelMode::Global, code, &mut out).unwrap();
assert_eq!(out.as_slice(), b"const main=()=>{let a=1}");
### Node.js
Install the dependency:
npm i @minify-js/node
Call the method:
import {minify} from "@minify-js/node";
const src = Buffer.from("let x = 1;", "utf-8");
const min = minify(src);
## In progress
- Combine and reorder declarations.
- Evaluation and folding of constant expressions.
- Parse and erase TypeScript syntax.
- Removal of unreachable, unused, and redundant code.
- Inlining single-use declarations.
- Replacing if statements with conditional and logical expressions.
- Returning an explicit error on illegal code e.g. multiple declarations/exports with identical names.
- Much more inline, high level, and usage documentation.
- Support import and export string names e.g. `import { "a-b" as "c-d" } from "x"`.
- Simplify pattern parsing and minification.
- Micro-optimisations:
- Unwrap string literal computed members, then identifier or number string members.
- Replace `x === null || x === undefined` with `x == null`, where `x` is side-effect free.
- Replace `typeof x === "undefined"` with `x === undefined`.
- Using shorthand properties.
- Replace `void x` with `x, undefined`.
- Replace `return undefined` with `return`.
- Replace `const` with `let`.
- Hoist `let` and `const`.
- Unwrapping blocks.
- Unwrapping paretheses, altering expressions as necessary.
- `if (...) return a; else if (...) return b; else return c` => `return (...) ? a : (...) ? b : c`.