mint 0.5.9

Math interoperability standard types
# mint
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**Math INteroperability Types**

![xkcd standard](

This library provides standard mathematical types used in computer graphics.
Its only purpose is to serve as a standard and interoperability language between various components of [rust-gamedev]( ecosystem that happen to expose math-related types on their API.
There are no operations defined for the types other than for the means of conversion from/into external types.  
Serde support is available through the `serde` feature.

## Types

This crate offers the following types:

### Points

* [`Point2`]*/mint/struct.Point2.html
* [`Point3`]*/mint/struct.Point3.html

### Matrices

#### Column Matrices

* [`ColumnMatrix2`]*/mint/struct.ColumnMatrix2.html
* [`ColumnMatrix3`]*/mint/struct.ColumnMatrix3.html
* [`ColumnMatrix4`]*/mint/struct.ColumnMatrix4.html
* [`ColumnMatrix2x3`]*/mint/struct.ColumnMatrix2x3.html
* [`ColumnMatrix2x4`]*/mint/struct.ColumnMatrix2x4.html
* [`ColumnMatrix3x2`]*/mint/struct.ColumnMatrix3x2.html
* [`ColumnMatrix3x4`]*/mint/struct.ColumnMatrix3x4.html
* [`ColumnMatrix4x2`]*/mint/struct.ColumnMatrix4x2.html
* [`ColumnMatrix4x3`]*/mint/struct.ColumnMatrix4x3.html

#### Row Matrices

* [`RowMatrix2`]*/mint/struct.RowMatrix2.html
* [`RowMatrix3`]*/mint/struct.RowMatrix3.html
* [`RowMatrix4`]*/mint/struct.RowMatrix4.html
* [`RowMatrix2x3`]*/mint/struct.RowMatrix2x3.html
* [`RowMatrix2x4`]*/mint/struct.RowMatrix2x4.html
* [`RowMatrix3x2`]*/mint/struct.RowMatrix3x2.html
* [`RowMatrix3x4`]*/mint/struct.RowMatrix3x4.html
* [`RowMatrix4x2`]*/mint/struct.RowMatrix4x2.html
* [`RowMatrix4x3`]*/mint/struct.RowMatrix4x3.html

### Vectors

* [`Vector2`]*/mint/struct.Vector2.html
* [`Vector3`]*/mint/struct.Vector3.html
* [`Vector4`]*/mint/struct.Vector4.html

### Quaternion

* [`Quaternion`]*/mint/struct.Quaternion.html

### Euler Angles

* [`EulerAngles`]*/mint/struct.EulerAngles.html


mint supports Rust 1.52.1 and newer. From time to time, mint may increase the minimum supported Rust version in a minor version bump in order to take advantage of new Rust features.

## License

mint is available under the terms of the MIT license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) or <> for more information.