mockito 0.25.0

HTTP mocking for Rust.
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  <p align="center"><em>HTTP mocking for Rust!</em></p>

Get it on [](

Documentation available at <>.

Before upgrading, make sure to check out the [changelog](

## Contribution Guidelines

1. Check the existing issues and pull requests.
2. One commit is one feature - consider squashing.
3. Format code with `cargo fmt`.
4. :shipit:

## Development

### Tests

Run tests:

cargo test

...or run tests using a different toolchain:

rustup run --install 1.35.0 cargo test

...or run tests while disabling the default features (e.g. the colors):

cargo test --no-default-features

### Code style

Mockito uses [rustfmt]( as a general code style.

Install `rustfmt`:

rustup component add rustfmt

Format code:

cargo fmt

Some editors might provide a plugin to format your Rust code automatically.

### Linter

Mockito uses [clippy]( as a linter.

Install `clippy`:

rustup component add clippy-preview

Run the linter:

# Touch a file to force cargo to rerun clippy on the project
touch src/

cargo clippy --lib --tests --all-features -- -D clippy::pedantic -D clippy::nursery

...or run the linter using a different toolchain:

rustup run --install 1.35.0 cargo clippy --lib --tests --all-features -- -D clippy::pedantic -D clippy::nursery

### Release


cargo publish

### Benchmarks

Install `rust nightly`:

rustup install nightly

Run benchmarks:

rustup run nightly cargo bench


Logo courtesy to []( :ok_hand: