This is a multiboot (v1) library written entirely in rust. The code depends only on libcore.
How-to use
extern crate core;
use multiboot::information::{MemoryManagement, Multiboot, PAddr};
use core::{slice, mem};
struct Mem;
impl MemoryManagement for Mem {
unsafe fn paddr_to_slice(&self, addr: PAddr, size: usize) -> Option<&'static [u8]> {
let ptr = mem::transmute(addr);
Some(slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, size))
unsafe fn allocate(&mut self, _length: usize) -> Option<(PAddr, &mut [u8])> {
unsafe fn deallocate(&mut self, addr: PAddr) {
if addr != 0 {
static mut MEM: Mem = Mem;
pub fn use_multiboot(mboot_ptr: PAddr) -> Option<Multiboot<'static, 'static>> {
unsafe {
Multiboot::from_ptr(mboot_ptr, &mut MEM)
Functionality is still not complete and patches are welcome!