# Nabla ML
A user-friendly neural network library implemented in Rust, designed for simplicity and educational purposes. It draws inspiration from NumPy and TensorFlow, offering a robust multi-dimensional array implementation along with a wide range of mathematical and array manipulation functionalities. The library emphasizes ease of use, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced developers looking to explore machine learning concepts.
## Features
### Core Components
- **NDArray**: A versatile multi-dimensional array implementation supporting:
- Fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Broadcasting for operations like [N, M] + [1, M]
- Shape manipulation (reshape, transpose)
- Matrix operations (dot product)
- Statistical functions (sum, mean)
- Element-wise operations (exp, log, sqrt)
- Padding functionality for batch processing
- **Array Creation**: Easily create 1D and 2D arrays from vectors and matrices.
- **Random Arrays**: Generate arrays filled with random numbers, supporting both uniform and normal distributions.
- **Arithmetic Operations**: Execute element-wise addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- **Mathematical Functions**: Apply a variety of functions including square root, exponential, sine, cosine, logarithm, hyperbolic tangent, ReLU, Leaky ReLU, and Sigmoid to arrays.
- **Array Reshaping**: Modify the shape of arrays while preserving data integrity.
- **File I/O**: Save and load arrays in a compressed format for efficient storage.
- **Linear Regression**: Implement linear regression using gradient descent techniques.
- **MNIST Dataset Handling**: Convert and load MNIST data seamlessly for machine learning tasks.
- **Neural Network Layers**:
- Dense (Fully Connected) layers
- Activation layers
- Support for a variety of activation functions
### Activation Functions
- ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)
- Leaky ReLU
- Sigmoid
- Softmax (for classification tasks)
### Optimizers
- Adam optimizer with customizable parameters:
- Learning rate
- Beta1 and Beta2 momentum parameters
- Epsilon for numerical stability
- Automatic handling of moment vector shapes
### Training Features
- Support for mini-batch training
- Automatic padding for batches
- Tracking of loss metrics
- Accuracy metrics for performance evaluation
- Broadcasting capabilities for efficient computations
## Example Usage
use nabla_ml::nab_model::NabModel;
use nabla_ml::nab_layers::NabLayer;
// Create model architecture
let input = NabModel::input(vec![784]); // For MNIST: 28x28 = 784 input features
let dense1 = NabLayer::dense(784, 512, Some("relu"), Some("dense1"));
let x = input.apply(dense1);
let dense2 = NabLayer::dense(512, 256, Some("relu"), Some("dense2"));
let x = x.apply(dense2);
let output_layer = NabLayer::dense(256, 10, Some("softmax"), Some("output"));
let output = x.apply(output_layer);
// Create and compile model
let mut model = NabModel::new_functional(vec![input], vec![output]);
0.1, // Adjusted learning rate
// Train the model
let history = model.fit(
64, // Batch size
5, // Number of epochs
Some((&validation_data, &validation_labels)) // Optional validation data
### Usage
#### Array Creation
use nabla_ml::NDArray;
let arr = NDArray::from_vec(vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
let matrix = NDArray::from_matrix(vec![
vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
vec![4.0, 5.0, 6.0],
#### Random Arrays
use nabla_ml::NDArray;
let random_array = NDArray::randn(5);
let random_matrix = NDArray::randn_2d(3, 3);
let uniform_array = NDArray::rand_uniform(&[5]); // New function for uniform random arrays
#### Mathematical Functions
use nabla_ml::NDArray;
let arr = NDArray::from_vec(vec![0.0, 1.0, -1.0]);
let sqrt_arr = arr.sqrt();
let exp_arr = arr.exp();
let tanh_arr = arr.tanh();
let relu_arr = arr.relu();
let leaky_relu_arr = arr.leaky_relu(0.01);
let sigmoid_arr = arr.sigmoid();
let power_arr = arr.power(2.0); // New power function
#### Loss Functions
use nabla_ml::NabLoss;
let y_true = NDArray::from_vec(vec![1.0, 0.0, 1.0]);
let y_pred = NDArray::from_vec(vec![0.9, 0.2, 0.8]);
let mse = NabLoss::mean_squared_error(&y_true, &y_pred);
#### Optimizers
use nabla_ml::NablaOptimizer;
let mut weights = NDArray::from_vec(vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
let gradients = NDArray::from_vec(vec![0.1, 0.2, 0.3]);
let learning_rate = 0.1;
NablaOptimizer::sgd_update(&mut weights, &gradients, learning_rate);
#### Linear Regression
use nabla_ml::Nabla;
let X = NDArray::from_matrix(vec![
vec![1.0, 2.0],
vec![2.0, 3.0],
let y = NDArray::from_vec(vec![1.0, 2.0]);
let (theta, history) = Nabla::linear_regression(&X, &y, 0.01, 1000);
### Relevant Code Snippets
Here are the relevant functions that were highlighted in the README:
#### NDArray Functions
impl NDArray {
// Creates a 1D array of random numbers from a uniform distribution
pub fn rand_uniform(shape: &[usize]) -> Self {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let data: Vec<f64> = (0..shape.iter().product()).map(|_| rng.gen_range(0.0..1.0)).collect();
Self::new(data, shape.to_vec())
// Raises each element to the power of n
pub fn power(&self, n: f64) -> Self {
self.map(|x| x.powf(n))
#### NabLoss Functions
impl NabLoss {
// Calculates the Mean Squared Error (MSE) between two arrays
pub fn mean_squared_error(y_true: &NDArray, y_pred: &NDArray) -> f64 {
let diff = y_true.subtract(y_pred);
// Calculates the Cross-Entropy Loss
pub fn cross_entropy_loss(y_true: &NDArray, y_pred: &NDArray) -> f64 {
let epsilon = 1e-8;
let clipped_pred = y_pred.clip(epsilon, 1.0 - epsilon);
-y_true.multiply(&clipped_pred.log()).sum() / y_true.shape()[0] as f64
#### Nabla Optimizer Functions
impl NablaOptimizer {
// Performs Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) update
pub fn sgd_update(weights: &mut NDArray, gradient: &NDArray, learning_rate: f64) {
*weights = weights.subtract(&gradient.multiply_scalar(learning_rate));
#### Nabla Linear Regression Function
impl Nabla {
// Performs linear regression using gradient descent
pub fn linear_regression(X: &NDArray, y: &NDArray, alpha: f64, epochs: usize) -> (Vec<f64>, Vec<f64>) {
let N = X.shape()[0];
let mut theta = vec![0.0; X.shape()[1] + 1]; // +1 for the intercept
let mut history = Vec::with_capacity(epochs);
for _ in 0..epochs {
// Predictions
let y_pred: Vec<f64> = (0..N).map(|i| {
theta[0] + X.data().iter().skip(i * X.shape()[1]).take(X.shape()[1]).zip(&theta[1..]).map(|(&x, &t)| x * t).sum::<f64>()
// Update theta based on gradients
let gradients = linear_regression_gradients(X, y, &y_pred, N);
for j in 0..theta.len() {
theta[j] -= alpha * gradients[j];
// Store MSE for history
let mse = NabLoss::mean_squared_error(y, &NDArray::from_vec(y_pred));
(theta, history)
#### File I/O with .nab Format
#### File I/O with .nab Format
use nabla_ml::{NDArray, save_nab, load_nab};
let array = NDArray::from_vec(vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]);
save_nab("data.nab", &array).expect("Failed to save array");
let loaded_array = load_nab("data.nab").expect("Failed to load array");
assert_eq!(array.data(), loaded_array.data());
assert_eq!(array.shape(), loaded_array.shape());
#### Saving Multiple NDArrays
use nabla_ml::{NDArray, savez_nab};
let array1 = NDArray::from_vec(vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
let array2 = NDArray::from_vec(vec![4.0, 5.0, 6.0]);
let arrays = vec![("array1", &array1), ("array2", &array2)];
savez_nab("multiple_arrays.nab", arrays).expect("Failed to save multiple arrays");
#### Loading Multiple NDArrays
use nabla_ml::loadz_nab;
let loaded_arrays = loadz_nab("multiple_arrays.nab").expect("Failed to load multiple arrays");
assert_eq!(loaded_arrays["array1"].data(), array1.data());
assert_eq!(loaded_arrays["array2"].data(), array2.data());
#### MNIST Dataset Handling
use nabla_ml::NabMnist;
use nabla_ml::nab_utils::NabUtils;
vec![28, 28]
).expect("Failed to convert MNIST CSV to NAB format");
let ((train_images, train_labels), (test_images, test_labels)) =
NabUtils::load_and_split_dataset("datasets/mnist_test", 80.0).expect("Failed to load and split dataset");
### Relevant Code Snippets
Here are the relevant functions that were highlighted in the README:
#### File I/O Functions
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, Write, Read};
use flate2::{write::GzEncoder, read::GzDecoder};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use crate::nab_array::NDArray;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct SerializableNDArray {
data: Vec<f64>,
shape: Vec<usize>,
/// Saves an NDArray to a .nab file with compression
pub fn save_nab(filename: &str, array: &NDArray) -> io::Result<()> {
let file = File::create(filename)?;
let mut encoder = GzEncoder::new(file, flate2::Compression::default());
let serializable_array = SerializableNDArray {
data: array.data().to_vec(),
shape: array.shape().to_vec(),
let serialized_data = bincode::serialize(&serializable_array).unwrap();
/// Loads an NDArray from a compressed .nab file
pub fn load_nab(filename: &str) -> io::Result<NDArray> {
let file = File::open(filename)?;
let mut decoder = GzDecoder::new(file);
let mut serialized_data = Vec::new();
decoder.read_to_end(&mut serialized_data)?;
let serializable_array: SerializableNDArray = bincode::deserialize(&serialized_data).unwrap();
Ok(NDArray::new(serializable_array.data, serializable_array.shape))
#### MNIST Handling Functions
use crate::nab_array::NDArray;
use crate::nab_io::save_nab;
pub struct NabMnist;
impl NabMnist {
/// Converts MNIST CSV data to image and label .nab files
pub fn mnist_csv_to_nab(
csv_path: &str,
images_path: &str,
labels_path: &str,
image_shape: Vec<usize>
) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_path(csv_path)?;
let mut images = Vec::new();
let mut labels = Vec::new();
let mut sample_count = 0;
for result in rdr.records() {
let record = result?;
sample_count += 1;
if let Some(label) = record.get(0) {
for value in record.iter().skip(1) {
let pixel: f64 = value.parse()?;
let mut full_image_shape = vec![sample_count];
let images_array = NDArray::new(images, full_image_shape);
save_nab(images_path, &images_array)?;
let labels_array = NDArray::new(labels, vec![sample_count]);
save_nab(labels_path, &labels_array)?;
Mnist dataset in .nab format can be found [here](https://github.com/enricozanardo/nabla_datasets/tree/main/mnist)
![Leaky ReLU](./docs/leaky_relu.png)
![Loss History](./docs/loss_history.png)
![Linear Regression](./docs/regression_plot.png)
![MNIST - 42](./docs/42.png)
## License
This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.