neptune-cash 0.0.10

A layer-1 cryptocurrency featuring scalable privacy and post-quantum security.

# Template engine:

header = ""
body = """
{% if version %}\
    {% if previous.version %}\
        ## [{{ version | trim_start_matches(pat="v") }}](<REPO>/compare/{{ previous.version }}..{{ version }}) - {{ timestamp | date(format="%Y-%m-%d") }}
    {% else %}\
        ## {{ version | trim_start_matches(pat="v") }} - {{ timestamp | date(format="%Y-%m-%d") }}
    {% endif %}\
{% else %}\
    ## [unreleased]
{% endif %}\

{% for group, commits in commits | group_by(attribute="group") %}
    ### {{ group | striptags | trim  | upper_first }}
    {% for commit in commits %}
        - {% if commit.breaking %}(!) {% endif %}\
        {% if commit.scope %}*({{ commit.scope }})* {% endif %}\
        {{ commit.message | upper_first }} \
        ([{{ | truncate(length=8, end="") }}](<REPO>/commit/{{ | truncate(length=8, end="") }}))\
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}\n
footer = "Note: (!) indicates a breaking change.\n"
trim = true

postprocessors = [
  { pattern = '<REPO>', replace = "" },


conventional_commits = true
filter_unconventional = true
split_commits = false
commit_preprocessors = [
      { pattern = '\((\w+\s)?#([0-9]+)\)', replace = "([#${2}](<REPO>/issues/${2}))" },

# Use <!-- prio --> hack to sort the categories. See:
commit_parsers = [
  { message = "^feat",              group = "<!-- 000 --> ✨ Features" },
  { message = "^fix",               group = "<!-- 010 --> 🐛 Bug Fixes" },
  { message = "^perf",              group = "<!-- 020 --> 🚀 Performance" },
  { message = "^doc",               group = "<!-- 030 --> 📚 Documentation" },
  { message = "^WIP",               skip = true },
  { message = "^chore\\(deps\\)",   skip = true },
  { message = "^chore\\(pr\\)",     skip = true },
  { message = "^chore\\(pull\\)",   skip = true },
  { body = ".*security",            group = "<!-- 040 --> 🔒️ Security" },
  { message = "^refactor",          group = "<!-- 050 --> ♻️ Refactor" },
  { message = "^test",              group = "<!-- 060 --> ✅ Testing" },
  { message = "^bench",             group = "<!-- 070 --> ⏱ Benchmark" },
  { message = "^style",             group = "<!-- 080 --> 🎨 Styling" },
  { message = "^build",             group = "<!-- 090 --> 🛠 Build" },
  { message = "^revert",            group = "<!-- 100 --> ⏪️ Revert" },
  { message = "^chore|ci|misc",     group = "<!-- 110 --> ⚙️ Miscellaneous" },
  { footer = "^changelog: ?ignore", skip = true },

protect_breaking_commits = false
filter_commits = false
tag_pattern = "v[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+"
skip_tags = ""
ignore_tags = "-alpha|-beta|-rc\\."
topo_order = false
sort_commits = "oldest"