# Changelog
## 0.73.0 - 2025-03-08
### Changed
* sam: Raise minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) to 1.81.0.
## 0.72.0 - 2025-02-06
### Changed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.71.0 - 2025-01-24
### Added
* sam/fs: Add file indexer (`index`).
## 0.70.0 - 2025-01-23
### Changed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.69.0 - 2025-01-19
### Changed
* sam: Raise minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) to 1.73.0.
## 0.68.0 - 2024-12-20
### Added
* sam/io/reader: Add a header reader adapter (`header::Reader`).
This can be used to read the raw SAM header.
### Changed
* sam/header/parser: Keep existing record in header on a duplicate ID error.
## 0.67.0 - 2024-12-12
### Changed
* sam/io/reader: Use records iterator instead of record buffers iterator for
alignment records.
### Fixed
* sam/alignment/record/data/field/tag: Fix original UMI quality scores (`BZ`)
tag ([#307]).
[#307]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/307
## 0.66.0 - 2024-11-07
### Added
* sam/record/data/field/value/integer: Support integer (`i`) values up to
(2^32) - 1.
Values between 2^31 and (2^32) - 1 are now parsed as unsigned 32-bit
integers (`u32`), which are used as such in BAM and CRAM.
### Changed
* sam/alignment/record/quality_scores: Change `QualityScores::iter` item to
be falliable.
`QualityScores::iter` now returns an iterator over `io::Result<u8>`, as
normalization of an underlying raw scores can fail.
### Fixed
* sam/record/quality_scores: Fix wrap around on underflow when normalizing
invalid scores.
Quality scores with some invalid raw scores (< `!`) would wrap around on
## 0.65.0 - 2024-09-26
### Added
* sam/async/io/reader: Add query (`Reader::query`) and query unmapped
(`Reader::query_unmapped`) streams.
### Changed
* sam: Update to lexical-core 1.0.0.
## Deprecated
* sam: Deprecated async re-exports (`AsyncReader` and `AsyncWriter`).
Use `sam::r#async::io::Reader` and `sam::r#async::io::Writer`
## 0.64.0 - 2024-09-04
### Changed
* sam/alignment/record: Transpose return type for `Record::alignment_span`.
## 0.63.0 - 2024-08-04
### Added
* sam/alignment/record/sequence: Add get base by index (`Sequence::get`)
([#283]) and checked split at (`Sequence::split_at_checked`).
* sam/record: Implement `TryFrom<&[u8]>` ([#278]).
This is a convenience implementation to allow constructing a single
`sam::Record` from a byte string.
[#278]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/278
[#283]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/283
### Changed
* sam/alignment/record: Replace `Name` with `&BStr`.
Owned name fields are also changed to `BString`.
* sam/alignment/record_buf/builder: Change `set_name` to be generic over
### Removed
* sam/record: Remove `ReferenceSequenceName`.
This is replaced with `&BStr`.
## 0.62.0 - 2024-07-14
### Changed
* sam/record/quality_scores: Increase the visibility of the constructor
(`QualityScores::new`) ([#277]).
[#277]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/277
## 0.61.0 - 2024-06-17
### Changed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.60.0 - 2024-05-16
### Changed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.59.0 - 2024-05-08
### Changed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.58.0 - 2024-05-02
### Changed
* sam/header: Increase the visibility of `Programs` ([#257]).
[#257]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/257
### Removed
* sam/io/reader: Remove `Reader::seek`.
Use the inner reader instead.
## 0.57.0 - 2024-04-22
### Changed
* sam/header: Wrap `Programs` ([#245]).
SAM header programs are wrapped to represent them as program chains. Use
`AsRef` and `AsMut` to access the inner map.
* sam/io/writer/record/data/field/value/float: Add float validation.
[#245]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/pull/245
## 0.56.0 - 2024-04-04
### Added
* sam/alignment/record_buf/data: Add `Data::get_mut`.
* sam/io/indexed_reader: Add records iterator
* sam/io/writer/record: Add CIGAR operations writer (`write_cigar`) ([#247]).
[#247]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/247
### Changed
* sam/io/writer/header/record/value/map/reference_sequence/name:
Validate reference sequence names.
## 0.55.0 - 2024-03-28
### Changed
* sam/io/writer/header/record/value/map: Add value validation.
## 0.54.0 - 2024-03-12
### Deprecated
* sam/alignment/record/flags: Rename `PROPERLY_ALIGNED` to
[#236]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/236
## 0.53.0 - 2024-02-15
### Changed
* sam/record/cigar: Increase the visibility of `Cigar::new`.
## 0.52.0 - 2024-02-08
### Added
* sam/async/io/reader: Add records stream (`Reader::records`).
## 0.51.0 - 2024-02-01
### Changed
* sam/alignment/record: Return a missing alignment span if there are no CIGAR
operations that consume the reference sequence.
## 0.50.0 - 2024-01-25
### Added
* sam/alignment: Add a `Record` trait to represent an opaque alignment
The alignment record buffer is renamed to `RecordBuf`. This also introduces
traits for field buffers.
* sam/async/io/reader: Add record reader (`Reader::read_record`).
* sam/io/reader: Add records iterator (`Reader::records`).
* sam/record: Add wrapper for name (`record::Name`).
* sam/record: Add method to get reference sequence ID
(`Record::reference_sequence_id`) and mate reference sequence ID
* sam/record/data/field/value/array: Add values wrapper (`Values`).
### Changed
* sam: Move `AlignmentReader` and `AlignmentWriter` to `alignment::io::Read`
and `alignment::io::Write`, respectively.
* sam: Move readers (`Reader` and `IndexedReader`) and writer (`Writer`) to
`io` module.
* sam/alignment: Rename `Record` to `RecordBuf`.
* sam/alignment/io/read: Change `Read::records` to return an iterator
over `io::Result<Box<dyn Record>>`.
* sam/alignment/io/write: Change `Write::write_record` to accept `&dyn
* sam/alignment/record_buf: Change name to raw buffer (`record_buf::Name`).
* sam/alignment/record_buf: Change sequence to raw bases
* sam/alignment/record_buf: Change quality scores to raw scores
* sam/header: Change `ReferenceSequences`, `ReadGroup`, and `Program` keys to
byte strings (`BString`).
* sam/header: Change `Comments` to a list of byte strings (`Vec<BString>`).
* sam/header/record/value/map: Change `OtherFields` values to byte strings
* sam/io/reader: Rename record to record buf and lazy record to record.
This changes the following:
* `Reader::read_record` => `Reader::read_record_buf`,
* `Reader::records` => `Reader::record_bufs`,
* `Records` => `RecordBufs`, and
* `Reader::read_lazy_record` => `Reader::read_record`.
* sam/io/reader: Return an iterator over `sam::Record` from queries
(`Reader::query` and `Reader::query_unmapped`).
`Reader::query_unmapped` no longer needs a reference to the header.
* sam/record: Rename `ReadName` to `Name`.
This also changes `Record::read_name` to `Record::name`.
* sam/record: Move scalar values to `alignment::record` module.
Replace usages of, e.g., `sam::record::Flag` with
* sam/record: Move buffers to `alignment::record_buf` module.
Replace usages of, e.g., `sam::record::Cigar` with
### Removed
* sam/alignment: Removed `iter`.
This is moved to noodles-util.
## 0.49.0 - 2023-12-14
### Added
* sam/lazy/record: Add wrapper for mapping quality
### Changed
* sam: Raise minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) to 1.70.0.
* sam/lazy/record: Wrap flags (`lazy::Record::flags`).
* sam/reader: Accept `csi::BinningIndex` for querying.
## 0.48.0 - 2023-11-14
### Changed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.47.0 - 2023-11-13
### Added
* sam/header/record/value/map/tag/other: Implement `TryFrom<[u8; 2]>`.
* sam/reader/builder: Add a compression method setter
This allows the compression method to be overridden using
`sam::io::CompressionMethod`, instead of solely relying on the path
Change instantiations of `sam::reader::Builder` to
* sam/reader/record/data/field/value: Support reading integer values up to
* sam/record/data/field/value: Implement `TryFrom<i64>` for `Value`.
* sam/writer: Add builder (`sam::writer::Builder`).
## 0.46.0 - 2023-10-26
### Changed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.45.0 - 2023-10-19
### Added
* sam/lazy/record: Wrap positions (`lazy::Record::alignment_start` and
### Removed
* sam/lazy/record/data: Remove `Data::len`.
This returned the incorrect value. There is no method to reliably return
the number of data fields.
## 0.44.0 - 2023-10-12
### Changed
* sam/lazy/record: Return raw read name (`lazy::Record::read_name`).
* sam/record/cigar/op: Make `Op::new` `const`.
## 0.43.0 - 2023-09-21
### Added
* sam/header/record/value/map: Add mutable getter for other fields
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Add `const` initializer (`Tag::new`) ([#204]).
[#204]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/204
### Changed
* sam/header/record/value/map/tag: Increase the visibility of the `tag`
## 0.42.0 - 2023-09-14
### Changed
* sam/lazy/record: Return wrapper for CIGAR operations
(`lazy::Record::cigar`), data (`lazy::Record::data`), reference sequence
name (`lazy::Record::reference_sequence_name`), sequence
(`lazy::Record::sequence`), and quality scores
## 0.41.0 - 2023-08-31
### Added
* sam/reader: Add `Reader::query_unmapped` to query for unmapped records.
### Fixed
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Compare inner tag.
## 0.40.0 - 2023-08-24
### Added
* sam/header/record/value/map/tag/other: Implement `PartialEq<[u8; 2]>` for
* sam/record/cigar: Implement `Extend<Op>` and `FromIterator<Op>` for
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Implement `PartialEq<[u8; 2]>` for `Tag`.
### Fixed
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Hash inner tag ([#197]).
[#197]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/197
## 0.39.0 - 2023-08-17
### Changed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.38.0 - 2023-08-03
### Changed
* sam/header: Increase the visibility of `Parser`.
This allows raw headers to be parsed line by line.
* sam/header/record/kind: Remove prefix from display format.
`Kind` no longer is written with the `@` prefix.
## 0.37.0 - 2023-07-27
### Changed
* sam/header/parser/record/value: Allow UTF-8 encoded values.
* sam/reader/header: Parse header line by line.
The header parser can now build a `sam::Header` by parsing a raw header
line by line. This makes it so that it is no longer required to read the
entire raw header into memory before parsing.
### Removed
* sam/header/record: Remove `FromStr` for `Record`.
* sam/header/record/value/map: Remove `TryFrom<Vec<String, String>>`.
Use the map builders instead.
## 0.36.0 - 2023-07-20
### Added
* sam/record/data/field/value: Add support for parsing base modifications.
### Changed
* sam/record/data/field/value: Replace `ParseError` with record parser
## 0.35.0 - 2023-07-06
### Changed
* sam: Update to indexmap 2.0.0.
## 0.34.0 - 2023-06-29
### Changed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.33.0 - 2023-06-15
### Added
* sam/alignment/iter: Add column depth iterator (`Depth`).
This is a pileup iterator that calculates column depths. It requires the
records in the input iterator to be coordinate-sorted.
## 0.32.0 - 2023-06-08
### Changed
* sam/alignment_reader: Remove `fasta::Repository` as a parameter to
* sam/header/record/value/map/header/version: Make methods `const`.
* sam/writer/record/quality_scores: Disallow writing quality scores when
there is a length mismatch with the sequence.
## 0.31.0 - 2023-06-01
### Added
* sam/header/record/value/map/read_group/platform: Add Singular Genomics
(`SINGULAR`; [samtools/hts-specs@0dd3e0d]).
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Add base modification sequence length (`MN`) tag
[samtools/hts-specs@0dd3e0d]: https://github.com/samtools/hts-specs/commit/0dd3e0d7c6f02b0627a29d6cbab777df07b4daad
## 0.30.0 - 2023-05-18
### Changed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.29.0 - 2023-05-11
### Added
* sam/header/record/value/map/header/version: Implement `Ord` + `PartialOrd`.
* sam/indexed_reader: Add getter for index (`IndexedReader::index`).
* sam/record/quality_scores/score: Add `const` constructor (`Score::new`).
### Changed
* sam/header/record/value/map: Disallow duplicate tags in SAM 1.6.
* sam/record/quality_scores/score: Merge `TryFromCharError` and
`TryFromUByteError` into a single `ParseError`.
## 0.28.0 - 2023-05-04
### Added
* sam/header/record/value/map/tag: Implement `Copy` + `Display` for `Tag<S>`.
* sam/header/record/value/map/tag: Add a parse error (`ParseError`).
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Implement `Borrow<[u8; 2]>` for `Tag`.
* sam/record/data/field/value/character: Implement `Display`.
* sam/record/mapping_quality: Implement `Display`.
### Changed
* sam/header/record/value/map: Increase the visibility of the `program`
* sam/reader/record/sequence: Reading an empty CIGAR field fails with
If present, the CIGAR must have at least one operation.
* sam/reader/record/data: Disallow duplicate tags.
* sam/reader/record/sequence: Reading an empty sequence field fails with
If present, the sequence must have at least one base.
* sam/reader/record/quality_scores: Reading an empty list of quality scores
fails with `ParseError::Empty`.
If present, the quality scores must have at least one score.
* sam/reader/record/quality_scores: Ensure quality scores length matches
sequence length.
* sam/record/data: `Data::get`, `Data::get_index_of`, and `Data::remove` take
a reference of an equivalent tag.
For example, `data.get(&tag::ALIGNMENT_HIT_COUNT)` and `data.get(b"NH")`
are equivalent.
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Split standard and other tags.
Use, e.g., `tag::ALIGNMENT_HIT_COUNT` instead of `Tag::AlignmentHitCount`.
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Add `ParseError::Empty` for empty inputs.
This replaces `ParseError::InvalidLength { actual: 0 }`.
### Fixed
* sam/reader/record: Fix reading all optional data fields.
This previously only received the first field.
### Removed
* sam/header/record/value/map: Remove `TryFromFieldsError`.
Use the inner record `ParseError` instead, e.g., `map::header::ParseError`,
* sam/record/data/field/value: Remove `ParseError::UnsupportedType`.
This is unused.
## 0.27.0 - 2023-04-27
### Added
* sam/record/cigar: Add conversion to `Vec<Op>`.
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Implement `Ord` + `PartialOrd`.
### Changed
* sam/reader/record/data/field/value/ty: Constrain type to only SAM field
value types.
This reduces the valid set of field value types to `{A, i, f, Z, H, B}`.
* sam/record/data/field: Move `Type` from value to field.
* sam/record/data/field/value: Add array value wrapper (`Array`).
This replaces `Value::*Array(_)` as `Value::Array(Array)`.
* sam/record/data/field/value: Move `Subtype` under `array` module.
## 0.26.0 - 2023-04-06
### Added
* sam: Add an indexed reader (`IndexedReader`).
### Changed
* sam: Update to bitflags 2.0.2.
* sam/async/reader: Change `Reader::read_header` to return a parsed header
This no longer returns a raw string.
* sam/reader: Change `Reader::read_header` to return a parsed header
This no longer returns a raw string.
## 0.25.0 - 2023-03-14
### Added
* sam/reader: Add builder (`sam::reader::Builder`).
The builder is able to construct a reader from a path
(`Builder::build_from_path`), which can open raw SAM files (`*.sam`) and
bgzipped SAM (`*.sam.gz`) files.
## 0.24.0 - 2023-03-03
### Added
* sam/record/data/field/value: Add hex value wrapper (`Hex`).
## 0.23.0 - 2023-02-03
### Added
* sam: Implement `std::error::Error::source` for errors.
* sam/header/record: Add `ParseError::InvalidReferenceSequenceName`.
* sam/record/data: Add iterator over all tag-value pairs (`Data::iter`).
* sam/record/data: Implement `FromIterator<(Tag, Value)>`.
* sam/record/data: Implement `Extend<(Tag, Value)>`.
* sam/record/data/field: Add mutable getter for value (`Field::value_mut`).
* sam/record/reference_sequence_name: Implement `Borrow<str>`.
### Changed
* sam: Raise minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) to 1.64.0.
* sam/alignment/record: Return `Name`-`Map<ReferenceSequence>` pair from
`Record::reference_sequence` and `Record::mate_reference_sequence`.
* sam/header: Move record IDs from record to map key.
`Map<I>` no longer holds the record ID. Use the collection key instead.
* sam/header: The key for `ReferenceSequences` is now a
* sam/header/record: Add record IDs to `ParseError::InvalidReferenceSequence`
and `ParseError::InvalidReadGroup`.
* sam/header/record/value/map/read_group/platform: Disallow inputs with
* sam/header/record/value/map/reference_sequence: `ReferenceSequence::new`
requires a nonzero length.
* sam/header/record/value/map/reference_sequence/builder:
`Builder::set_length` is required to be nonzero.
* sam/header/record/value/map/reference_sequence/alternative_locus:
Parse interval as a pair of `Position`s.
* sam/record/data: `Data` no longer allocates on construction (`Data::new`).
* sam/record/data: `Data::get` returns the `Value` of a given `Tag` instead
of a `Field`.
* sam/record/data: `Data::values` returns an iterator over `Value`s instead
of `Field`s.
* sam/record/data: `Data::insert` receives a `Tag`-`Value` pair instead of a
* sam/record/data: `Data::remove` returns a `Tag`-`Value` pair instead of a
* sam/record/reference_sequence_name: Save input in `ParseError::Invalid`.
### Removed
* sam/header/builder: Remove `Header::new`.
This was deprecated in noodles-sam 0.12.0. Use `Header::builder`
* sam/header/record/value/map/reference_sequence: Remove `NewError`.
`ReferenceSequence::new` is now infallible.
* sam/header/record/value/map/version: Remove
`ParseError::MissingMajorVersion` and
These were deprecated in noodles-sam 0.12.0. Use
`ParseError::Invalid` instead.
* sam/record/cigar: Remove `Cigar::reference_len` and `Cigar::read_len`.
These were deprecated in noodles-sam 0.16.0. Use
`Cigar::alignment_span` and `Cigar::read_length`, respectively,
* sam/record/data: Remove `TryFrom<Vec<Field>>` for `Data`.
Insert fields into the map using `Data::insert` instead.
* sam/record/data/field: Remove `Field`.
Use `(Tag, Value)` instead.
* sam/record/data/field/value: Remove `Value::as_char` and `Value::is_char`.
These were deprecated in noodles-sam 0.16.0. Use
`Value::as_character` and `Value::is_character`, respectively,
* sam/record/flags: Remove "pair" aliases in favor of "segmented".
These were deprecated in noodles-sam 0.9.0. Use the following
* `Flags::PAIRED` => `Flags::SEGMENTED`
* `Flags::is_paired` => `Flags::is_segmented`
* `Flags::is_proper_pair` => `Flags::is_properly_aligned`
* `Flags::READ_1` => `Flags::FIRST_SEGMENT`
* `Flags::is_read_1` => `Flags::is_first_segment`
* `Flags::READ_2` => `Flags::LAST_SEGMENT`
* `Flags::is_read_2` => `Flags::is_last_segment`
## 0.22.1 - 2022-11-29
### Fixed
* sam/writer/record/sequence: Only validate read length to sequence length
when the CIGAR is present.
## 0.22.0 - 2022-11-18
### Added
* sam/record/mapping_quality: Add `MIN` and `MAX` associated constants.
* sam/writer/record/sequence: Add read length validation.
### Changed
* sam/header/record/value/map/read_group/platform: Parse as case-insensitive.
### Fixed
* sam/record/data: Fix updating field index after a remove-swap ([#132]).
[#132]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/132
## 0.21.0 - 2022-10-28
### Added
* sam/header/record/value/map/tag: Add `AsRef<[u8; LENGTH]>` as a supertrait
of `Standard`.
### Changed
* sam/header/parser: Move record parser errors to `record::ParseError`.
This moves `header::parser::ParseError::InvalidHeader`,
`header::parser::ParseError::InvalidReadGroup`, and
`header::parser::ParseError::InvalidProgram` to
### Fixed
* sam/header/record/value/map/header: Fix serialization when group order
(`GO`) is set ([#122]).
This would previously duplicate the group order as the subsort order
[#122]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/122
## 0.20.0 - 2022-10-20
### Added
* sam/alignment_reader: Add reader as a type parameter.
* sam/record/cigar/op/kind: Add whether an operation kind consumes the read
(`Kind::consumes_read`) and/or reference (`Kind::consumes_reference`).
* sam/record/mapping_quality: Add `const` getter (`MappingQuality::get`).
* sam/reader: Implement `From<R> for Reader<R>`.
### Changed
* sam: Raise minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) to 1.62.0.
## 0.19.0 - 2022-09-29
### Added
* sam/header/record/value/map/read_group/platform: Add Element Biosciences
(`ELEMENT`; [samtools/hts-specs@4b884a4]) and Ultima Genomics (`ULTIMA`;
* sam/record/quality_scores/score: Add `MIN` and `MAX` associated constants.
* sam/record/quality_scores/score: Add const getter (`Score::get`).
[samtools/hts-specs@4b884a4]: https://github.com/samtools/hts-specs/commit/4b884a4bbef181a73c7a3e7d03c91b3fd6371c4d
[samtools/hts-specs@44b4167]: https://github.com/samtools/hts-specs/commit/44b4167209aa0d9a89881dacfab8545f204e4f82
### Changed
* sam/header: SAM header records parsed from maps are now map values
This rewraps `header::Header`, `Program`, `ReadGroup`, and
`ReferenceSequence` as map values `Map<I>`, where `I` is a specialized map
type. A map is required to have an inner `I` type that can have required
standard fields and can include optional fields, where the key is a
nonstandard tag (`tag::Other`).
* sam/header/record/value/map/reference_sequence: Rename
`ReferenceSequence::len` to `ReferenceSequence::length`.
### Removed
* sam/header/record: Remove `Value`.
Records are fully parsed rather than returning a raw value. Use
`header::Record` instead.
## 0.18.0 - 2022-08-16
### Changed
* sam: Raise minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) to 1.59.0.
This fixes `TryFrom<char> for u8` not being available before 1.59.0
[#81]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/pull/81
## 0.17.0 - 2022-07-05
### Added
* sam/reader: Add query iterator (`Reader::query`).
### Changed
* sam/alignment: Increase the visibility of `sam::alignment::record`.
This allows access to the `Builder` struct.
* sam/record/data/field: `ParseError::InvalidValue` no longer wraps a source.
* sam/record/data/field/value: `Value::from_str_type` returns `io::Result`.
This now uses the record data field value parser.
## 0.16.0 - 2022-06-08
### Added
* sam/alignment: Add a base alignment record (`alignment::Record`).
* sam/async/writer: Add alignment record writer
* sam/lazy: Add lazy record (`lazy::Record`).
Lazy records are alignment records that are lazily-evaluated. Their fields
are not necessarily valid, but the buffer is guaranteed to be record-like.
* sam/reader: Add `Reader::read_lazy_record` to read lazy records.
* sam/record: Add template length wrapper (`TemplateLength`).
### Changed
* sam: Replace `Record` with `alignment::Record`.
* sam/alignment_reader: Return `alignment::Record` from `records` iterator.
* sam/alignment_writer: Require a concrete `alignment::Record`.
* sam/async/reader: Read record into a `Record` buffer.
* sam/async/reader: `Reader::read_record` and `Reader::records` require a
context (`Header`) when reading a record.
* sam/async/writer: `Writer::write_record` requires a context (`Header`) when
writing a record.
* sam/header/reference_sequence: Change length to a `NonZeroUsize`.
* sam/reader: Read record into a `Record` buffer.
* sam/reader: `Reader::read_record` and `Reader::records` require a context
(`Header`) when reading a record.
* sam/record/cigar: Change conversion from `Vec<Op>` to be
Replace usages of `From<Vec<Op>>` with `TryFrom<Vec<Op>>`.
* sam/record/data/field/value: Validate character values.
This guarantees the character value is `!`..=`~`.
* sam/record/data/field/value: Add character value wrapper (`Character`).
* sam/record/data/field/value: Rename `Value::Char` to `Value::Character`.
* sam/record/data/field/value: Rename `ParseError::InvalidCharValue` to
* sam/record/data/field/value/ty: Rename `Type::Char` to `Type::Character`.
* sam/record/quality_scores: `TryFrom<Vec<u8>>` can now be empty.
* sam/writer: `Writer::write_record` requires a context (`Header`) when
writing a record.
* sam/writer/record: Restrict position to [0, 2^31-1].
This is defined in _Sequence Alignment/Map Format Specification_
(2021-06-03) § 1.4 "The alignment section: mandatory fields".
### Deprecated
* sam/record/cigar: Deprecate `Cigar::read_len` and `Cigar::reference_len`.
Use `Cigar::read_length` and `Cigar::alignment_span`, respectively,
* sam/record/data/field/value: Deprecate `Value::as_char` and
Use `Value::as_character` and `Value::is_character`, respectively, instead.
### Removed
* sam: Remove `Record`.
Use `alignment::Record` instead.
* sam: Remove `AlignmentRecord`.
These methods are moved to `alignment::Record`.
* sam/record: Remove `record::Builder`.
Use `alignment::record::Builder` instead.
## 0.15.0 - 2022-04-14
### Added
* sam/record/data/field/value: Implement `TryFrom<char>`.
* sam/record/sequence: Add conversion to `Vec<Base>`.
* sam/record/quality_scores: Add conversion to `Vec<Score>`.
* sam/record/quality_scores: Implement `TryFrom<Vec<u8>>`.
### Changed
* sam/record/data/field/value: Change conversion from `String` to be
This replaces `From<String>` with `TryFrom<String>`, which validates the
string value.
## 0.14.0 - 2022-03-29
### Added
* sam: Add an alignment reader trait (`AlignmentReader`).
This is a generalization for reading SAM-like alignment formats.
* sam: Add an alignment writer trait (`AlignmentWriter`).
This is a generalization for writing SAM-like alignment formats.
* sam/alignment_record: Add alignment record fields:
* cigar (`AlignmentRecord::cigar`),
* data (`AlignmentRecord::data`),
* flags (`AlignmentRecord::flags`),
* mapping quality (`AlignmentRecord::mapping_quality`),
* mate position (`AlignmentRecord::mate_alignment_start`),
* read name (`AlignmentRecord::read_name`),
* sequence (`AlignmentRecord::sequence`),
* template length (`AlignmentRecord::template_length`), and
* quality scores (`AlignmentRecord::quality_scores`).
* sam/header/reference_sequence: Add mutable getter for MD5 checksum
* sam/reader: Implement `AlignmentReader`.
* sam/record/data/field/value: Add integer types.
This means that SAM data field integer values are typed, i.e., it adds
the `Int8` (`c`), `UInt8` (`C`), `Int16` (`s`), `UInt16` (`S`), and
`UInt32` (`I`) types. Additionally, it renames `Int` to `Int32`.
Though these aren't actually used in the SAM format, they can transparently
be used in SAM and shared among the different alignment formats. An integer
(`i`) is placed in the smallest type when parsed.
* sam/record/data/field/value: Add conversions from raw types.
* sam/record/data/field/value/subtype: Implement `TryFrom<u8>`.
* sam/record/data/field/value/subtype: Implement conversion to `u8`.
* sam/record/data/field/value/ty: Implement `Hash` and `TryFrom<u8>`.
* sam/record/data/field/value/ty: Implement conversion to `u8`.
* sam/record/cigar: Add `clear` method.
* sam/record/cigar: Implement `AsMut<Vec<Op>>`.
* sam/record/mapping_quality: Add `new` method.
* sam/record/quality_scores/score: Implement `Default` + `Ord` +
* sam/record/quality_scores/score: Add `clear` and `push` methods.
* sam/record/read_name: Implement `AsRef<[u8]>`, `Hash`, `Ord`, `PartialOrd`,
and `TryFrom<Vec<u8>>`.
* sam/record/read_name: Add conversions from `Into<Vec<u8>>`
(`ReadName::try_new`) and to `Vec<u8>`.
* sam/record/sequence: Implement `AsRef<[Base]>`, `AsMut<Vec<Base>>`
and `Index`/`IndexMut` with `Position`.
* sam/record/sequence: Add conversion from `Vec<u8>`.
* sam/record/sequence: Add getting (`Sequence::get`) and setting
(`Sequence::get_mut`) a base by `Position`.
* sam/record/sequence: Add `clear`, `is_empty`, `len`, and `push` methods.
* sam/record/sequence/base: Implement `TryFrom<u8>`.
* sam/record/sequence/base: Implement conversion to `u8`.
* sam/record/sequence/base: Parse case-insensitive.
* sam/record/quality_scores: Implement `AsRef<[Score]>`,
`AsMut<Vec<Score>>`, and `Index`/`IndexMut` with `Position`.
* sam/record/sequence: Add getting (`QualityScores::get`) and setting
(`QualityScores::get_mut`) a score by `Position`.
* sam/record/quality_scores: Add `is_empty` and `len` methods.
* sam/writer: Implement `AlignmentWriter`.
### Changed
* sam: Rename `RecordExt` to `AlignmentRecord`.
* sam/alignment_record: Change alignment start and end to a `Position`.
* sam/alignment_record: Change alignment span to a `usize`.
* sam/alignment_record: Remove `Result` from alignment end.
* sam/record: Move `cigar`, `data`, `flags`, `mapping_quality`,
`read_name`, `sequence`, `template_length`, and `quality_scores` to the
implementation of `AlignmentRecord`.
* sam/record: Errors that store lengths now use `usize`:
* `sam::record::parser::SequenceLengthMismatch`,
* `sam::record::parser::QualityScoresLengthMismatch`,
* `sam::record::builder::BuildError::SequenceLengthMismatch`, and
* `sam::record::builder::BuildError::QualityScoresLengthMismatch`.
* sam/record: Change position and mate position to `Position`.
* sam/record/data/field/value: Rename `Int` to `Int32`.
As the name implies, the largest value is now `i32::MAX`.
* sam/record/data/field/value/ty: Rename `Int` to `Int32`.
* sam/record/cigar: Remove missing state.
`Cigar` no longer parses `*` as missing. This is now an invalid input.
* sam/record/cigar/op: Change length to a `usize`.
* sam/record/cigar/op/kind: Rename `SeqMatch` to `SequenceMatch` and
`SeqMismatch` to `SequenceMismatch`.
* sam/record/parser: `ParseError::InvalidPosition` and
`ParseError::InvalidMatePosition` wrap a `std::num::ParseIntError`.
* sam/record/read_name: Disallow "`*`" as a read name.
This is already treated as missing (`None`).
* sam/record/sequence: Remove missing state.
`Sequence` no longer parses `*` as missing. This is now an invalid input.
* sam/record/quality_scores: Remove missing state.
`QualityScores` no longer parses `*` as missing. This is now parsed as a
single quality score of 9.
### Removed
* sam/record: Remove `Position`.
Use `noodles_core::Position` instead.
* sam/record/builder: Remove `BuildError`.
This is no longer used.
* sam/record/data/field/value: Remove `FromStr`.
Use `Value::from_str_type` instead.
* sam/record/read_name: Remove `Deref<Target = String>`.
Use `AsRef<str>` instead.
* sam/record/sequence: Remove `Deref<Target = Vec<Base>>`.
Use `AsRef<[Base]>` instead.
* sam/record/quality_scores: Remove `Deref<Target = [Score]>`.
Use `AsRef<[Score]>` instead.
## 0.13.0 - 2022-03-02
### Added
* sam/record/sequence: Increase the visibility of the `base` module.
## 0.12.0 - 2022-02-17
### Added
* sam: Set minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) to 1.56.0 in package
* sam/async/reader: Add common methods to access the underlying reader:
`get_ref` and `get_mut`.
* sam/async/writer: Add missing `get_mut` method.
* sam/record/position: Implement `Hash` for `Position`.
### Deprecated
* sam/header/builder: Deprecate `Builder::new`.
Use `sam::Header::builder` instead.
* sam/header/header/version: Deprecate `ParseError::MissingMajorVersion` and
Use `ParseError::Invalid` instead.
## 0.11.0 - 2022-01-27
### Added
* sam/record/mapping_quality: Implement `Ord` + `PartialOrd`.
* sam/record/position: Implement `Ord` + `PartialOrd`.
## 0.10.0 - 2022-01-13
### Added
* sam/header: Add `clear` method to remove all records from the header.
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Add base modification probabilities (`ML`) and
base modifications (`MM`) tags.
* sam/record/mapping_quality: Add constant for raw missing mapping quality
* sam/record/mapping_quality: Add parser.
### Changed
* sam/record: Mapping quality is now stored as an `Option`.
Valid mapping qualities are between 0 and 254, inclusive (`Some`). A
mapping quality of 255 is considered to be missing (`None`).
* sam/record/parser: Change `ParseError::InvalidMappingQuality` from wrapping
`num::ParseIntError` to `mapping_quality::ParseError`.
Use `mapping_quality::ParseError::Parse` for the `num::ParseIntError`.
### Removed
* sam/record/mapping_quality: Remove `Deref` and `From<u8>` implementations.
Conversion is now fallible; use `TryFrom<u8>` instead.
## 0.9.0 - 2021-12-09
### Added
* sam/writer: Add mutable getter (`Writer::get_mut`) for the underlying
### Deprecated
* sam/record/builder: Deprecate `Builder::new`.
Use `sam::Record::builder` instead.
* sam/record/flags: Rename "pair" to "segment".
The following are now deprecated and listed with their replacements:
* `Flags::PAIRED` => `Flags::SEGMENTED`
* `Flags::is_paired` => `Flags::is_segmented`
* `Flags::is_proper_pair` => `Flags::is_properly_aligned`
* `Flags::READ_1` => `Flags::FIRST_SEGMENT`
* `Flags::is_read_1` => `Flags::is_first_segment`
* `Flags::READ_2` => `Flags::LAST_SEGMENT`
* `Flags::is_read_2` => `Flags::is_last_segment`
## 0.8.1 - 2021-12-02
### Fixed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.8.0 - 2021-11-18
### Added
* sam: Add trait for record extensions (`RecordExt`).
This includes getting the associated reference sequence
(`RecordExt::reference_sequence`), alignment start
(`RecordExt::alignment_start`) and end (`RecordExt::alignment_end`)
positions, alignment span over the reference sequence
(`RecordExt::alignment_span`), and mate's associated reference sequence
* sam/reader: Add common methods to access the underlying reader: `get_ref`
and `get_mut`.
* sam/record/reference_sequence_name: Implement `Hash` for
### Changed
* sam/header/reference_sequence: The reference sequence name (`name`) is now
wrapped as a `header::reference_sequence::Name`. (This is currently the
same as a `record::ReferenceSequenceName`.)
* sam/header/reference_sequence: `ParseError::DuplicateReferenceSequenceName`
now stores a `header::reference_sequence::Name` rather than a `String`.
## 0.7.0 - 2021-11-11
### Changed
* sam: Update to Rust 2021.
* sam/header: Change header, program, read group, reference sequence tag
representations to `[u8; 2]`.
* sam/record/data: Specialize the inner ordered map (#49).
This changes `Data` from wrapping `IndexMap` to a specialized ordered map.
This improves both parse and access times.
The interface is familiar but may diverge from the normal collections map
interface, e.g., keys are passed by value because `Tag` is `Copy` and
insertion only takes a field because the field tag is inherently the key.
* sam/record/data/field: Merge `ParseError::MissingTag` and
`ParseError::MissingValue` into `ParseError::Invalid`.
The colon (`:`) delimiter must exist to parse the tag and value.
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Prevent construction of `Tag::Other`.
Use `Tag::try_from::<[u8; 2]>` instead. This prevents invalid tags from
being created.
* sam/record/data/field/value: Merge `ParseError::MissingType` and
`ParseError::MissingValue` into `ParseError::Invalid`.
The colon (`:`) delimiter must exist to parse the value.
[#49]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/49
## 0.6.0 - 2021-10-16
### Added
* sam/record: Add mutable getters for position (`Record::position_mut`), mate
position (`Record::mate_position_mut`), mate reference sequence name
(`Record::mate_reference_sequence_name_mut`), and reference sequence name
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Add `ParseError` variants for invalid length and
* sam/record/data/field/tag: Implement `Copy` for `Tag` ([#48]).
### Changed
* sam/record/data: Moved `DuplicateTag` to `ParseError` ([#48]).
Use `ParseError::DuplicateTag` instead of `ParseError::InvalidData(_)`.
* sam/record/data/field: `Field::tag` returns a copy rather than a reference
* sam/record/data/field/tag: `Tag::Other` stores a `[u8; 2]` rather than
`String` ([#46]).
[#46]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/46
[#48]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/pull/48
## 0.5.0 - 2021-10-01
### Added
* sam/record: Add mutable getters for flags (`Record::flags_mut`; [#39]),
read name (`Record::read_name_mut`), mapping quality
(`Record::mapping_quality_mut`), and template length
[#39]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/pull/39
## 0.4.0 - 2021-09-23
### Changed
* sam/async/reader: Handle CRLF newlines and missing final newline.
* sam/header/record: Require delimiter split when parsing.
This ensures the delimiter exists when tokenizing. It removes
`ParseError::MissingValue` for `ParseError::Invalid` and
`ParseError::MissingTag` for `ParseError::InvalidField`.
* sam/header/record: Validate field values (`/[ -~]+/`).
* sam/reader: Handle CRLF newlines and missing final newline.
## 0.3.0 - 2021-09-19
### Added
* sam/async: Add async reader (`sam::AsyncReader`).
* sam/async: Add async writer (`sam::AsyncWriter`).
Async I/O can be enabled with the `async` feature.
* sam/reader: Add method to return the underlying reader
* sam/writer: Add method to return the underlying writer
### Changed
* sam/header/program/builder: Return error from `build`.
This previously panicked if the ID was not set.
* sam/header/read_group/builder: Return error from `build`.
This previously panicked if the ID was not set.
## 0.2.2 - 2021-08-19
### Fixed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.2.1 - 2021-08-11
### Fixed
* sam: Sync dependencies.
## 0.2.0 - 2021-07-30
### Added
* sam/header/reference_sequence: Add alternative locus (`AH`) parser.
### Changed
* sam/header/reference_sequence: Parse alternative locus (`AH`) value.
This is no longer stored as a raw `String`.
## 0.1.1 - 2021-07-21
### Fixed
* sam: Fixed documentation link in package manifest ([#31]).
[#31]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/31
## 0.1.0 - 2021-07-14
* sam: Initial release.