# Changelog
## 0.11.0 - 2021-12-02
### Added
* vcf/header/format: Add conversion from `vcf::header::Record` to
`vcf::header::Format` with a file format constraint.
* vcf/header/info: Add conversion from `vcf::header::Record` to
`vcf::header::Info` with a file format constraint.
* vcf/record/genotypes: Add parser.
* vcf/record/genotypes/keys: Implement `Default`.
### Changed
* vcf/async/reader: `Reader::{records, query}` now parse records with the
* vcf/reader: `Reader::{records, query}` now parse records with the header.
* vcf/record: Move `Format` under genotypes module as `Keys`.
* vcf/record/genotypes: Print keys on display.
* vcf/record/genotypes/keys: Prefer key from header.
* vcf/record/genotypes/keys: Allow empty genotypes keys.
* vcf/record/info/field: Prefer key from header.
* vcf/record/info/field: Allow value to optional.
### Deprecated
* vcf/record: Deprecate `vcf::record::Format`.
Use `vcf::record::genotypes::Keys` instead.
### Removed
* vcf/record/builder: Remove `Builder::{add_genotype,set_format}`.
Use `Builder::set_genotypes` instead.
* vcf/record: Remove `ParseError::{InvalidFormat,InvalidGenotype}`.
These are now wrapped by `ParseError::InvalidGenotypes`.
* vcf/record/genotypes/keys: Remove `TryFromKeyVectorError::Empty`.
Empty genotype keys are now allowed.
* vcf/record/genotypes: Remove `From<Vec<Genotype>>`.
Use `Genotypes::new` instead.
## 0.10.0 - 2021-11-18
### Added
* vcf/reader: Add common methods to access the underlying reader: `get_ref`,
`get_mut`, and `into_inner`.
* vcf/record/genotypes/genotype/field: Add mutable getter for value
### Changed
* vcf/header/format: Disable type checking when the file format is < VCF 4.3
* vcf/header/info: Disable type checking when the file format is < VCF 4.3
[#41]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/41
## 0.9.0 - 2021-11-11
### Added
* vcf/record: Add mutable getters for chromosome (`Record::chromosome_mut`),
filters (`Record::filters_mut`), IDs (`Record::ids_mut`), info
(`Record::info_mut`; [#52]), position (`Record::position_mut`), and quality
score (`Record::quality_score_mut`).
* vcf/record/ids: Add ID wrapper.
* vcf/record/info/field: Add mutable getter for value (`Field::value_mut`;
* vcf/writer: Add common methods to access the underlying writer: `get_mut`
and `into_inner`.
[#52]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/52
### Changed
* vcf: Update to Rust 2021.
* vcf/header/record/parser: Remove alphanumeric constraint on field keys.
* vcf/record/info: `Info` no longer implements `Deref`.
Use `AsRef<IndexMap<field::Key, Field>>` to access the lower level ordered
* vcf/record/quality_score: Wrap only non-missing values.
The missing quality score state is moved to `vcf::Record` as an `Option`.
### Removed
* vcf/record/filters: Remove missing variant.
`Filters::Missing` is removed in favor of using an `Option` in
## 0.8.0 - 2021-10-16
### Added
* vcf/record: Wrap `Genotype` field (`vcf::record::Genotypes`) ([#42]).
This creates a new type for `Vec<vcf::record::genotypes::Genotype>`.
* vcf/record/genotypes: Add convenience method to return a list of parsed
genotype (`GT`) fields (`Genotypes::genotypes`) ([#42]).
* vcf/record/genotypes/genotype: Add convenience method to parse the genotype
(`GT`) field (`Genotype::genotype`) ([#42]).
* vcf/record/genotypes/genotype/field/value/genotype: Add conversion from
`Vec<Allele>` to `Genotype` ([#43]).
* vcf/record/genotypes/genotype/field/value/genotype/allele: Add accessors
for `position` and `phasing` ([#43]).
[#42]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/42
[#43]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/pull/43
### Changed
* vcf/record: Move `genotype` under `genotypes` module.
### Deprecated
* vcf/record: Deprecated `genotype` and `Genotype` public exports.
Use `noodles_vcf::record::genotypes::{genotype, Genotype}` instead.
## 0.7.0 - 2021-10-01
### Added
* vcf: Increase visibility of `reader` module ([#37]).
This allows public access to the reader iterators `Records` and `Query`.
[#37]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/pull/37
## 0.6.2 - 2021-09-23
### Fixed
* vcf: Sync dependencies.
## 0.6.1 - 2021-09-19
### Fixed
* vcf: Sync dependencies.
## 0.6.0 - 2021-09-01
### Changed
* vcf: Update to nom 7.0.0.
## 0.5.0 - 2021-08-19
### Changed
* vcf: Update to tokio 1.10.0.
### Fixed
* vcf: Define features to enable for Docs.rs.
## 0.4.0 - 2021-08-11
### Added
* vcf/async: Add async reader (`vcf::AsyncReader`).
* vcf/async: Add async writer (`vcf::AsyncWriter`).
Async I/O can be enabled with the `async` feature.
## 0.3.0 - 2021-08-04
### Added
* vcf/header/alternative_allele: Accept `Into<String>` for description in
## 0.2.0 - 2021-07-30
### Added
* vcf/header/contig: Accept `Into<String>` arguments in constructor.
* vcf/header/filter: Accept `Into<String>` arguments in constructor.
## 0.1.1 - 2021-07-21
### Fixed
* vcf: Fixed documentation link in package manifest ([#31]).
[#31]: https://github.com/zaeleus/noodles/issues/31
## 0.1.0 - 2021-07-14
* vcf: Initial release.