norgopolis-module 2.0.3

A library for creating your own Norgopolis modules in Rust.
# Changelog

## 2.0.3 (2024-02-21)


* add timeout, change api to Module::new()
* add shutdown trait
* move the module library to a separate repository

### Features

* add keepalive behaviour ([70e0604]
* add release-please CI ([d03aab2]
* add shutdown trait ([dfa56df]
* add timeout, change api to Module::new() ([b8ea69e]
* move the module library to a separate repository ([35dd791]
* switch to `norgopolis_protos` ([85aee03]

### Bug Fixes

* remove `Shutdown` trait ([2ecb115]
* use an unbounded sender for keepalive checks ([c7bfde6]

### Miscellaneous Chores

* release 2.0.3 ([a7c0a7e]