nt-time 0.6.3

A Windows file time library
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Shun Sakai
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT

= Contribution Guide
:git-flow-url: https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
:commit-messages-guide-url: https://github.com/RomuloOliveira/commit-messages-guide

== Branching model

The branching model of this project is based on the {git-flow-url}[git-flow].

== Style guides

=== Commit message

Please see the {commit-messages-guide-url}[Commit messages guide].

== Submitting a pull request

. Create a working branch from the `develop` branch. The branch name should be
  something other than `develop` or `master`.
. Create your patch. If your change is a feature or a bugfix, please add a test
  case if possible. Note that the change must pass the CI.
. Please update the copyright information if possible. This project is
  compliant with version 3.0 of the
  https://reuse.software/spec/[_REUSE Specification_].
  https://github.com/fsfe/reuse-tool[`reuse`] is useful for updating the
  copyright information.
. Please update the link:CHANGELOG.adoc[Changelog] if possible.
. Please read and agree to follow the link:CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md[Code of Conduct].

== Development

=== Useful development tools

The https://github.com/casey/just[just] command runner can be used. Run
`just --list` for more details.

.Run tests
just test

.Run the formatter
just fmt

.Run the linter
just lint