nt-time 0.6.4

A Windows file time library
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Shun Sakai
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT

= Changelog
:toc: preamble
:project-url: https://github.com/sorairolake/nt-time
:compare-url: {project-url}/compare
:issue-url: {project-url}/issues
:pull-request-url: {project-url}/pull

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on https://keepachangelog.com/[Keep a Changelog], and this
project adheres to https://semver.org/[Semantic Versioning].

== {compare-url}/v0.6.3\...v0.6.4[0.6.4] - 2023-12-02

=== Added

* Implement `FromStr` for `FileTime` ({pull-request-url}/80[#80])

=== Changed

* Limit the valid UTC offset for `FileTime::to_dos_date_time` and
  `FileTime::from_dos_date_time` to the range "UTC-16:00" to "UTC+15:45"

=== Fixed

* Fix `FileTime::to_dos_date_time` and `FileTime::from_dos_date_time` to return
  `None` as the UTC offset if the number of seconds of the UTC offset is not
  zero ({pull-request-url}/81[#81])

== {compare-url}/v0.6.2\...v0.6.3[0.6.3] - 2023-11-26

=== Added

* Implement `fmt::Octal`, `fmt::LowerHex`, `fmt::UpperHex`, `fmt::Binary`,
  `fmt::LowerExp` and `fmt::UpperExp` for `FileTime`
* Add conversion methods from/to `i64` ({pull-request-url}/76[#76])

== {compare-url}/v0.6.1\...v0.6.2[0.6.2] - 2023-11-24

=== Added

* Add conversion methods from/to MS-DOS date and time

=== Changed

* Bump MSRV to 1.70.0 ({pull-request-url}/68[#68])

== {compare-url}/v0.6.0\...v0.6.1[0.6.1] - 2023-11-04

=== Added

* Add Code of Conduct ({pull-request-url}/59[#59])

=== Changed

* Bump `actions/checkout` from 3 to 4 ({pull-request-url}/44[#44])
* Update documentation for `FileTime` ({pull-request-url}/60[#60])

== {compare-url}/v0.5.3\...v0.6.0[0.6.0] - 2023-09-03

=== Changed

* Remove unnecessary newline after period ({pull-request-url}/33[#33])
* Bump MSRV to 1.67.0 ({pull-request-url}/36[#36])
* Change parameters of methods to pass-by-reference ({pull-request-url}/39[#39])

== {compare-url}/v0.5.2\...v0.5.3[0.5.3] - 2023-08-09

=== Added

* Add unit tests when `FileTime` is `i64::MAX` ({pull-request-url}/30[#30])

== {compare-url}/v0.5.1\...v0.5.2[0.5.2] - 2023-08-06

=== Changed

* Rename parameters of methods ({pull-request-url}/25[#25])

== {compare-url}/v0.5.0\...v0.5.1[0.5.1] - 2023-08-01

=== Changed

* Change the comment header to the format recommended by the REUSE
  Specification ({pull-request-url}/22[#22])
* Make this project REUSE compliant ({pull-request-url}/23[#23])
* Pin the version of `time` crate to 0.3.23 ({pull-request-url}/24[#24])

== {compare-url}/v0.4.1\...v0.5.0[0.5.0] - 2023-05-15

=== Added

* Add `FileTime::to_raw` as an alternative to `FileTime::as_u64`

=== Changed

* Change to use `datetime` macro in doctests
* Bump MSRV to 1.65.0

=== Deprecated

* Change `FileTime::as_u64` to deprecated

== {compare-url}/v0.4.0\...v0.4.1[0.4.1] - 2023-04-25

=== Removed

* Remove `once_cell` from dependencies

== {compare-url}/v0.3.0\...v0.4.0[0.4.0] - 2023-04-21

=== Added

* Add doctests for `Serialize` and `Deserialize`
* Add conversion methods from/to Unix time
* Add Serde support for Unix time
* Re-export `serde` crate

=== Changed

* Rename `FileTime::NT_EPOCH` to `FileTime::NT_TIME_EPOCH`
* Rename `serde` to `serde_with`

== {compare-url}/v0.2.0\...v0.3.0[0.3.0] - 2023-04-17

=== Added

* Add Serde support

=== Changed

* Change `FileTimeRangeErrorKind` to public

== {compare-url}/v0.1.0\...v0.2.0[0.2.0] - 2023-04-14

=== Added

* Add `impl From<FileTime> for SystemTime`
* Add `FileTime::UNIX_EPOCH` constant
* Add `FileTime::now` method
* Add conversion methods from/to `chrono::DateTime`
* Add methods for operation with `time::Duration`
* Add conversion methods from/to byte arrays
* Add methods to subtract from/to `SystemTime`
* Add methods to subtract from/to `time::OffsetDateTime`
* Add methods to subtract from/to `chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>`
* Add methods for equality comparisons from/to `SystemTime`,
  `time::OffsetDateTime` and `chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>`
* Add methods for order comparisons from/to `SystemTime`,
  `time::OffsetDateTime` and `chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>`

=== Changed

* `impl TryFrom<SystemTime> for FileTime` always supports after
  `9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999900 UTC`

=== Removed

* Remove `impl TryFrom<FileTime> for SystemTime`

=== Fixed

* Fix `OffsetDateTimeRangeError` description
* Fix `FileTimeRangeError` description
* Fix operation of `impl Sub for FileTime` if the difference is large

== {project-url}/releases/tag/v0.1.0[0.1.0] - 2023-03-27

=== Added

* Initial release