ntest 0.8.1

Testing framework for rust which enhances the built-in library with some useful features.
# NTest

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Testing framework for rust which enhances the built-in library with some useful features. Inspired by the *.Net* unit-testing framework [NUnit](https://github.com/nunit/nunit).

- [documentation]https://docs.rs/ntest/
- [library on crates.io]https://crates.io/crates/ntest

## Getting Started

Some functions of *NTest* use [procedural macros](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/procedural-macros.html) which are stable for rust edition 2018.
If you use the library make sure that you are using the *2018 version* of rust. Update the *Cargo.toml* file:

edition = "2018"
# ..


Add the *NTest library* to your developer dependencies in the *Cargo.toml* file:

ntest = "*"

## Content

- `#[timeout()]` Attribute used for timeouts in tests.
- `#[test_case()]` Attribute used to define multiple test cases for a test function.
- `assert_about_equal!()` Compare two floating point values or vectors for equality.
- `assert_false!()` Expects false argument for test case.
- `assert_true!()` Expects true argument for test case.
- `assert_panics!()` Expects block to panic. Otherwise the test fails.

For more information read the [documentation](https://docs.rs/ntest/).

## Examples

### Create test cases

use ntest::test_case;


#[test_case("http://www.website.php", name="important_test")]

fn test_http_link_types(link: &str) {
    test_link(link, &LinkType::HTTP);

### Timeout for long running functions

use ntest::timeout;




fn timeout() {
    loop {};

### Combine attributes

use std::{thread, time};
use ntest::timeout;
use ntest::test_case;






fn test_function(i : u32) {
    let sleep_time = time::Duration::from_millis(i);

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](https://github.com/becheran/ntest/blob/master/LICENSE) file for details.