ockam_transport_core 0.100.0

Generic Transport primitives.


crate docs license discuss

Ockam is a library for building devices that communicate securely, privately and trustfully with cloud services and other devices.

This crate provides the common code shared among the different Ockam's transport protocols.

Each specific protocol is then supported in its own crate. For example, the TCP protocol is supported in the ockam_transport_tcp crate.

Currently available transports include:

  • ockam_transport_tcp - TCP transport
  • ockam_transport_udp - UDP transport
  • ockam_transport_ble - Bluetooth Low Energy Transport
  • ockam_transport_websocket - WebSocket Transport
  • ockam_transport_uds - Unix Domain Socket Transport


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

ockam_transport_core = "0.100.0"


This code is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.