odbc-api 11.1.1

Write ODBC Applications in (mostly) safe Rust.

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Rust ODBC bindings. ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is an open standard to connect to a variaty of data sources. Most data sources offer ODBC drivers. There are two typical usage scenarios for ODBC:

* Your appliciation is designed to work with a wide range of Databases without the need of redeploying it.
* There is no native Rust driver in suitable quality available for your Database so you want to use the ODBC driver instead.

See also: [Is ODBC the Answer?](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/odbc/reference/develop-app/is-odbc-the-answer)

This crate is currently tested against:

* Microsoft SQL Server
* PostgreSQL
* MariaDB
* SQLite

Current ODBC Version is `3.80`.

This crate is build on top of the `odbc-sys` ffi bindings, which provide definitions of the ODBC C Interface, but do not build any kind of abstraction on top of it.

## Usage

Check the [guide](https://docs.rs/odbc-api/latest/odbc_api/guide/index.html) for code examples and a tour of the features.

## Installation

To build this library you need to link against the `odbc` library of your systems ODBC driver manager. It should be automatically detected by the build. On Windows systems it is preinstalled. On Linux and OS-X [unix-odbc](http://www.unixodbc.org/) must be installed. To create a Connections to a data source, its ODBC driver must also be installed.

### Windows

Nothing to do. ODBC driver manager is preinstalled.

### Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev

### MAC-OS

You can use homebrew to install UnixODBC

brew install unixodbc


You can also install unixODBC from source:

1. copy the unixODBC-2.3.9.tar.gz file somewhere you can create files and directories
2. gunzip unixODBC*.tar.gz
3. tar xvf unixODBC*.tar
4. `./configure`
5. `make`
6. `make install`

### Linux / OS-X via Nix Flakes

Alternatively, if you're familiar with the Nix ecosystem or want to try it out, [our wiki](https://github.com/pacman82/odbc-api/wiki) has a user contributed example on setting up a dev environment with Nix flakes.

## Features

* [x] Connect using Data Source names (DSN)
* [x] Connect using ODBC connection strings
* [x] Connect using prompts (windows)
* [x] Log ODBC diagnostics and warnings (via `log` crate).
* [x] Columnar bulk inserts.
* [x] Columnar bulk queries.
* [ ] Rowise bulk inserts.
* [x] Rowise bulk queries.
* [x] Output parameters of stored procedures.
* [x] prepared and 'one shot' queries.
* [x] Transactions
* [x] Pass parameters to queries
* [x] Asynchronous execution of one shot queries
* [ ] Asynchronous execution of prepared queries
* [ ] Asynchronous connecting to database
* [ ] Asynchronous fetching of Metainformation
* [x] Multithreading
* [x] Inserting large binary / text data in stream
* [x] Fetching arbitrary large text / binary data in stream
* [x] Connection pooling
* [x] List tables of data sources
* [x] Retrieve multiple result sets